Chapter 16: The Doctors Office, And The Surprise.

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1 day later Lindsay's POV*

I called and made a doctors appointment for my first ultrasound! I'm so happy, I finally know for sure that I'm pregnant, I mean the test said I was but I don't really trust those so much, cause there is always the possibility of a False Positive, it's rare but it can happen, the baby is doing good, I'm almost two months, the baby was conceived during the first time me and Ashley were intimate with each other in Paris, the condom broke but I'm glad it did, cause now I'm gonna have the perfect family!

"Lindsay, do you think we should tell the guys tonight or should we wait?" Ashley asked as we cuddled on the couch.

"Well, to be safe we should wait till the 4th month to tell everyone. Cause there is so much that can go wrong during my first three months of Pregnancy." I said nuzzling my head into his neck and yawned, he giggled at my yawn.

"Okay, Cutie! We'll wait... What do you think the baby is?" he said pulling me into his lap.

"I don't really care what the gender is, I just want the baby to be healthy and happy!" I smiled up at him.

"Yeah, that's all that matters... I hope the baby looks just like its mommy. Big bright blueish-green eyes, plump perfect lips, beautiful curly hair, and A cute little nose!" Ashley said rubbing my very small: but pudgy belly.

"Aww... I hope it looks like its Daddy. Perfect black hair, big brown eyes, naturally tan skin, perky lips, and high cheekbones! And let's not forget that adorable Little Nose!" I said kissing his cheek, he smiled.

"Well how about this I want it to look like the perfect mix of both of us!" he said.

"Yes! That sound perfect!" I said rubbing small bump and smiling like a goofball.

"So, what do you wanna name it?" Ashley asked.

"Well, I wan to name it Ashley Abrocket Purdy Jr. If its a boy, and I'm still thinking about girl names, but we could possible name it Tiger-lily if it's a girl, or maybe Marilyn Monroe Purdy?" I smiled unsure of the names.

"I like them both... But we have 7 and a half months to think about it! Let's just relax and hope the baby is healthy." he smiled and turned on the tv.

"Okay." I said and layed my head in his chest.

Next day Ashley's POV*

'I want to propose to her but I don't even have a ring! I need to go shopping for one...

"Lindsay I'm going to town, need anything?" I asked from the living room as I grabbed my keys and wallet from the coffee table.

"Yeah, We need some Dog food for Tokyo and Killer, and I want some coffee from Starbucks!" she said from the kitchen, I laughed as I walked in and gave her a kiss.

"I'll be back in an hour." I said heading outside to my car.

"Okay, love you! And please be careful!" she waves from the kitchen doorframe.

"I will! Love you too!" and with that I left and headed to the mall first, good thing I left my Skeleton Jacket in here I'd need that to try and hide my face so fans wouldn't bombard me!

@ The Mall*

I walked into A Jewlery shop in the mall and started lookin for a ring, I called Jinxxs new Girlfriend and him over to help me, cause I haven't a clue what I'm doing!

"Hey, Ashley!" Jinxx said bro hugging me.

"Hey, Man! Hey, Louise!" I greeted them.

"Hey Ash!" Louise said with her British accent, yeah now there are two British girls in the Girlfriend group, but I actually got along well with this one!

"So you need help pickin out a ring for, Lindsay?!" Jinxx said happily, he's been wanting me to marry her from the first day we became Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

"Yes I do, I really don't know what to get her! I know her ring size but I don't know what to get.... Why is this so hard!" I said looking in the Showcase of rings.

"Well Ashley, just find a ring that you think embodies her, a ring that is almost a beautiful as she is, a ring that you know in your heart she would love!" Louise said smiling with her arm wrapped around Jinxx.

"Yeah Ashley, just find a ring that fits her personality!" Jinxx said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, well these rings are almost as beautiful as she is, " I said pointing to a small collection of rings "she'd love all of the ones in this row, " I said pointing to the coloured gemstone rings "And that one fits her personality perfectly!" I said pointing at the Square ruby gemstone set in Silver surrounded by small diamonds.

"Wow, that's pretty!" Louise said.

"Excuse me sir, can you get this ring out from the case so I can get a closer look at it?" I asked the guy behind the counter.

"Certainly, Sir!" he said getting the ring out of the show case and handed it to me. I looked over it, looking at it, it has no flaws it's perfect, like her! This is it!

"I'll take this ring in a size 9!" I said handing the ring back to the man, he typed in something in the computer.

"We have this ring in a size nine in the back ill go get it and then you can pay and be on your way!" he went to the back after putting the rim back in the showcase.

2 minutes later*

I both the ring and left, then I went to get the dog food and then Lindsay's coffee.

15 minutes later*

"Honey I'm Home!" I said as I walked through the door, I hide the ring in my pocket so maybe else wouldn't see it.

"Hey, Baby!" she kissed me and took her Caramel Frappe from my hands
"Thank you for the coffee!" she said before she sipped some of her drink.

"Your welcome!" I said kissing her cheek. She sat down on the couch and drank her coffee 'Now is my chance to propose... I know I only got the ring today, but I just Can't wait! I love her!' I though to my self.

"Lindsay?" I asked.

"Yes, Babe?"

"You know I love you right?"


"And of know I love that Baby, right?"


"I want us to be a Family, I want us to live together and raise this baby, an be happy.. What I'm trying to say is." i got on one knee and pulled out the ring "I love you and it would mean the world to me if you would be mine forever, Lindsay Breanne Pitts... Will You Marry Me?" I asked and she cover her mouth an started crying a bit.

"YES! Yes, a thousand times Yes!" she said I slipped the ring on her finger and kisses her passionately, I'm so glad she said yes!

----------------------------------------------------(A/N: Yay!! He proposed!!! I added a new character to this story!! Hope you all like this!! I will post a longer chapter from Lindsay's POV this weekend! Later!! )----------------------------------------------------------------

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