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Summary: she's the scout of the group she's the fastest on the team she even keeps clay on his toes and she's the only one that got close to beating him and like the others she was picked on because of her fox ears and tail yes she's a kitsune her ability is to talk to animals foxes are her pretense but once she's tamed them they have special abilities one that they share is cloaking once cloaked you are unable to see them through any means or detect them through any means dogs cant smell them no one can not even clay and his enhanced senses.


Behavior: she's the tactical of the group sending her foxes and herself to scout she has the unique ability to see what her foxes sees once they are tamed making her ability useful.

Weapons: Remington shotgun,Python revolver,stun grenades,smoke bombs, Swiss Army knife

Appearance: light brown hair with same color ears and tail,green eyes, brown mini skirt with armor plating on the left side with armor breast plate and brown leather sleeves with armor on them,high boots with armor plating on them.


Relationships:has serious feelings to clay in a battle with Lucy to win clays affection

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