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Summary: an over confident girl she always puts herself in the center of the fight she's grown close to doc due to her constant visits to his infirmary so she's grown to love the famous doctor because of her over confidence it's gotten her in some sticky situations and sometimes nearly killed or hurt on more than one occasions.

Appearances: long hair and parts of her hair are in pig tails her hair is a light shade of brown almost orange in color (auburn I think it's called) and she has red eyes she wears a button down shirt with dark green and has breast pockets she wears camo pants and boots and gloves.

Weapons: a M-4 carbine with a bayonet it has a ACOG sight and a extended magazine and laser sight and when it doesn't have a bayonet it has a grip.

Behavior: she's vary over confident which makes it hard for anyone to stay friends with her she's also vary stubborn and doesn't take orders well and she constantly over steps and is constantly put back into place.

Friends: not many just the girls of the organization.

Relations:has a crush on doc.

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