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Summary:named after the W in the military alphabet and his favorite drink he's a hardy guy who loves to kick back and have a few drinks but is also vary serious he always wears a ballistics vest under his shirt as is mandatory when on active duty he's a vary fun person to talk to he's one of the loafers of the behemoth and a loader of the behemoth and also another mechanic trained by Tessa herself.

Weapon: mp5 custom and sigg saure p320

Appearance: ((Pic above))

Behavior: usually laid back and really talkative he's a real enjoyable person to be around but once he's inside the behemoth he can switch the off that persona and be a hyper focused person focused on his orders from alpha and take out anyone who wants to take out the brotherhood

Friends: due to his vary likable personality he's friends with everyone in the brotherhood

Relations: none

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