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Summary: her and her sister Mia are close much like the twins Raven and Crow. Her and her sister were part of a village not to far from Brotherhood HQ and when they were taken over they protected each other. They did what they were told.....but one day.....they heard a monstrous....demonic wolf howl then their city walls exploded and a APC and a helicopter landed in the city center and armed people shot and killed several people but not elves they killed the conquerors who fought back and then Clayton stepped off the helicopter and reminded the brotherhood of their objective and they nodded and went off to extract any children or women and men if their were any jaeger a member of the brotherhood spotted Mia and Tia and exchanged shots with the with the enemy and ran to them he spoke with his usual wavy German accent but told them they were ok that they were their to save them and picked them up and ran them to the armored APC but he was hurt in the process he was shot in the back and he fell over.
Tia in her natural state panicked and worried for jaeger and pulled him into the APC and shook him but Tia looked up and saw the leader of the brotherhood the person she only heard stories of a demon who knows only pain and suffering of others and shows no emotion running over to jaeger and screamed for someone called Doc and saw another running over and got him up against the wall and ripped off his ballistics gear and helmet and his mask and started to work on him.
But she noticed a change in the leader he showed more than pain and suffering he showed fear and remorse and care for his ally and he fought harder. And she felt worried for the German man who saved them.
"Don't worry little one he's had worse he's only unconscious he'll wake up and he'll be fine I've never lost a patient I won't start with a friend" those words stuck to Tia like glue and molded her into what she is today. Today she's a field medic and another doctor but she's also a field assassin she uses her medical skills to kill efficiently she can take a life as easily as she can save one she's still a apprentice of doc but she's learning fast and saving more lives by the day when people come back from missions or attack raids but she never forgot about the person who found them.....jaeger and how she wished she could have helped him

Race: dark elf

Role: assassin/ field medic

Weapons: she uses the P90 sub machine gun with a silencer and a reflex sight and a berretta 9mm hand gun and a combat knife.

Appearance: pic above and the same outfit as her sister

Behavior: like her sister she's vary like able but she's more protective of the other members as her and has been mentally scared when she was unable to help her savior she wanted to help but didn't know how now she has the knowledge and will use it to protect her new family from harm and will never lose someone especially jaeger

Relations: crush on jaeger

Friends: brotherhood members

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