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Summary: Mia and her twin sister Tia were dark elves of a nation to the east I say were because they were taken over by one of Clayton's enemies and their organization became a nation a nation that hated dark elves and put them into slavery and Clayton issued a rescue for any women and children in this time Mia and Tia were only children only 7 years old they were taken to the brotherhood refugee camp outside the base but Incase a emergency the refugees are brought inside for their protection once they were old enough (which is 20) they were put under rigorous training and it wasn't easy they sweated...a lot....their muscles hurt.....a lot....they wanted to give up....a lot but they pulled through fueled by their dream of taking back their country.

Race: dark elf

Appearance: pic above minus the clothing she wears a pitch black suit of light ballistic armor and black camouflage pants with knee guards and elbow guards with combat boots


Weapon: MPX sub machine gun of course it has a suppressor on it and a reflex sight as a side arm she has a suppressed mac 10

Behavior: one of the most likable people in the organization for someone who's grown up a slave and who's lived ina refugee camp (Clayton treats anyone in the refugee camp as equals and with respect they were fed good food and given food, and medical care and proper shelter their homes are made of normal building material and their given many things by the brotherhood) but she's a real caring person willing to throw down her life to protect someone tho that more often than not gets her hurt tho she's become quite aquatinted with the teams shield protector rock and she's grown quite found of him well more like love but she doesn't know that quite yet

Relations: she has a crush on her teams commander she values him as a teammate and a lover tho he nor she knows she likes him after he's protected her for so many years while on missions with his shield she's grown attached to the shield wielding commander.

Friends: the brotherhood members

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