Tehya Uley

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This is @tehya uley OC welcome to the Wolfpack
Summary:a good friend of Clayton he joined her pack only for her to give up on it and join the brotherhood shes an assassin in the brotherhood she's also the princess of demon wolves.



Weapons:she has several different weapons but she uses one handed short swords for close quarters combat and magic to take down her targets.

Appearance:she has several different outfits for her different modes and different magic she uses.

Behavior:usually childish in nature while off missions she's vary hasty and mildl childish on missions but she has the help of Clayton and some of her higher ups to correct her before she does anything rash shes more or less a little sister to everyone she meets

Friends: she has several friends outside the brotherhood but they all belong to another pack.

Relations:none I am aware of

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