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Summary: the slums are always filled with fums it's hard to breath the slums filthy air so most inhabitants are wearing masks unless your used to the toxic fumes mask is one of those inhabitants but he wears the mask because well he thinks it's cool to wear and he doesn't care. Mask is the brawn of the group he's a muscle head getting things done quickly is his forte he gets bored easily and goes to torture he enjoys inflicting pain to get any info he can out of targets to give to striker and then from striker to the big boss Clayton they never stay in one place they move vary frequently which makes finding them vary difficult and tracking them is all but impossible mask is on high alert at all times making sure they aren't being followed and his senses are all on alert the slightest movement sets him off making him dart around he's paranoid but efficient in his work.

Skills: tracking,torture,info gathering,hearing,sight,blending,agility, speed

Appearance:pic above

Weapons: Karambit knife, suppressed twin full auto glock 18, twin sawed off shotguns

Behavior: usually the quite one he takes orders and does what he's told he doesn't speak until spoken too he knows striker has reasons for targets and will follow orders even if it's to kill someone.

Friends: gang, brotherhood members

Relations: none

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