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Summary: just a nickname from her real name Ashely but everyone calls her ash.
She's super shy and vary timid but she's survived all this time by stealing from others and killing when needed. She doesn't enjoy it  but she's picked up a few skills that helped her survive all this time.
She is the eyes and ears of the group having an enhanced sight and hearing than the rest she's able to pick up things the others miss she also knows when someone's lying just by listening to how they phrase their lies.

Skills: enhanced sight and hearing,speed,agility,info gathering, lie detection.

Weapons: 9mm glock, knife, MP5k (hides it in backpack),throwing knifes

Appearance: ((pic above)) add backpack

Behavior: usually quits and focused she spends most her time just listening for information then when she hears something about a target she informs the others and they get to work chasing them down and then torturing them for information they then inform the big boss.

Friends: gang, brotherhood members

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