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Summary:she joined for the fun of it she's a technical genius she has a device that picks up electrical signals she's joined the attack force she's also equipped with an anti magnetic field that distorts electrical equipment for a short time it helps when tech needs a break she's able to scramble distress calls and such it does not affect friendly gadgets she's also really into science more into how drugs work on the human body so she makes field medicine she injects them and her allies wounds heal instantly she's also interested in poison she injects them into her victims to see how their bodies react Clay often uses her poison as a interrogation method.


Role:technician/field scientists

Weapons:she's equipped with a HK-MP7A1
She also uses a smith and Wesson colt 1911 9mm pistol as a side arm she also has a dart gun to shoot her healing drug to her allies from a safe distance if they are Ina dangerous firefight and the other medics can't get to a injured ally.

Appearance:((picture above))

Behavior:usually stoic and cold she's also has a lighter side also but when it comes down to her work she gets....sadistic and crazy it usually takes Clayton to stop her from killing a valuable asset she enjoys the suffering of her enemies a little to much she even scares pyro when she gets bat shit crazy

Friends:Doc because they share common interests in the medical field and in a way scientific field she's copied and tweeted his healing drug to make her instant heal remedy.


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