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Summary: by now you get it military alphabet for the tank crew anyway Lima was a monster on the battle field until she met real monsters she joined them out of fear for her life but realized they weren't monsters they were just humans doing what humans do to survive so she became a survivor and each day was a blessing to be alive and as many foes fell before her she was glad to be alive never before did she appreciate life like this before and she liked it she's the gunner of the gladiator she fires the gun of the tank.

Weapons: sawed off pump shotgun with bayonet attachment and a Mac10 sidearm she has a standard sigg saure 9mm on her chest holster.

Appearance: ((picture above))

Behavior: focused and a great asset to the team she's cool headed in the heat of battle

Relations: crush on yankee she's fallen for him because of his great leadership skills and also cool headedness in battle and she likes the whole bad boy persona he has off the battle field.

Friends: all brotherhood members

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