| 10. do me

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"the best feelings are those that have no words to describe them."


ARTHUR WAS A LITTLE UPSET when the magicians made it to the plane 10 minutes later than expected.

"What took you so long?"

"We got arrested." Jack said that like it was the best thing that's ever happened to him.

Maeve had someone carry her bags into the plane for her as she followed them inside where the others were.

She sat down in the back with Henley and Merritt as they were popping jokes and comments back and forth. "Well, did you attract any attention?" Arthur was on the other side of the plane, but the three could hear him perfectly.

"Just about everyone in the casino." Merritt answered, then turned to me. "What do you think, Maeve dear?" Maeve pretended to count her fingers. "I'd say about...hmmm." She put a finger on her chin. "80 people tops?"

Maeve leaned her head in front of the doorway to see Arthur looking like his head was going to explode. "Relax, Arty."

"That's what happens when you steal 3.2 million from a bank."

From Las Vegas to New Orleans was around a 5-hour flight. When they hit the 3-hour mark, Maeve was getting bored and restless.

"Let me say what we've both been thinking." Merritt motioned between him and Maeve. Henley turned her head to look at them. "And what's that?" "Well," Maeve sat up better so that she could talk. "We obviously know you have feelings of affection for Mr. Atlas."

"Unrequited and misguided." Merritt added. "Owning to his lack of emotional availability. Consequently, you're very....whats the word?"


"Ah, yes." Merritt pat Maeve's head. "Good word, dear." Henley sat up in her chair. "Oh do I?" Maeve's smile turned to a frown when she figured out where this was going. "Ew! I thought this was just about feelings."

She sat up and walked out of the small room. "Where are you going?" Henley called out for her. Maeve gagged. "Away from you people."

She started walking towards Danny when a hand grabbed her and pulled her down. Maeve let out a small yelp of surprise as she collided with someone else.

"Going somewhere?" Jack looked down at her and laughed. She smacked him in the chest and tried to get off of him. "Babe, don't go." He whined.

She looked around and saw the iPad placed in front of Arthur. "No way!" She started heading towards him. "Is that Conan O'Brien?" Jack pulled her right back, a frown prominent on his face.

Maeve rolled her eyes before placing a lingering kiss on his lips. When they broke apart, she winked and started walking away again. "Tease." Jack muttered, which unfortunately Merritt heard.

"Don't be calling her a 'tease' or whatever you children say these days." He popped his head from the doorway. "I will personally rip your testicles from you body if you think about her like that. Ever."

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