| 13. brains and the fur

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Thank you for all of the comments! I always look to see what you all say about the book. I love reading them, they always make me laugh.

Here's another chapter!! Tell me if you want more flashback chapters.


"it's much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it."


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, the Savoy management welcomes you to tonight's special performances, The Five Horsemen, Act II."

The five horsemen walked onto the pitch dark stage, getting into their positions for the show.

"Unlike traditional performances, The Five Horsemen encourage you to film, call your friends, upload, stream, and tweet the show freely. Thank you. The show will begin in a few minutes."

As Maeve was walking to her spot on the stage, Jack covered his mic and whispered, "I love you."

In the darkness, Maeve couldn't help but smile and kiss him. Merritt purposely walked in between them, making them break apart. Jack rolled his eyes and picked up Maeve's hand, kissing it softly.

Maeve gave it a light squeeze before letting go and walking to center stage. Danny finally let someone be in the spotlight for once that wasn't him.

"Arthur Tressler presents: Jack Wilder," The spotlight lit up Jack's part of the stage.

"Henley Reeves,"Another landed on Henley.

"Merritt McKinney." Third spotlight landed on Merritt on the right side of Maeve.

"Daniel Atlas," Danny's figure lit up as the light made him visible to the crowd. He smirked at the audience from Maeve's left side.

"And Maeve King." Lastly, the light shined on Maeve as she stood in the middle, all the attention raining down on her. "The Five Horsemen."

The crowd's applause was deafening, but never ceased to put a smile on all of their faces. The horsemen took a moment to wait for the applause to die down.

"Thank you." Maeve smiled at the people crowd. "Before we begin, we'd like to single out two people in particular."

"A man and a woman whom we'd like to dedicate tonight's performance." Danny continued.

"FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes and the lovely, but somewhat inexperienced, Interpol Agent Alma Dray, everyone." Henley motioned to the two people in the stands, the spotlight shining down on them.

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