Violet's Heritage

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It had been about three weeks since the Predacon clones were awakened, Violetwing had been going back and forth between the Wheyr and the Nemesis every day and night. It was day time and Violetwing was in the Wheyr beside Razor Fang watching over Predacons. "I feel less conflicted now than I did when the clan was first formed... You all learn very quickly. And are quite clever." Razor told Violetwing. "And I have not completely lost all of my clan at least." She sighed.

Violetwing looked over to her and smiled "Yes... that is a good thing..." she replied

"You are my younger sister Violetwing. And I do not mean just my clan sister. You are of my family. Violetstorm's CNA was used in your creation. And there are things you and I can do that many cannot. It is in your energon. As it is mine." Razor smiled a bit placing a servo on Violet's shoulder. "As soon as we have taught these young ones what it is to truly be Predacons. Then I can begin to teach you our bloodline's legacy."

Violetwing was stunned to hear this she never hear thought something like that from Razor she then smiled "I would love that Razor Fang..." she replied

"You are a descendant of the first Predaking. Echo may have told you his story. Has she not?" Razor asked

"Yes... Echo had told Predaking and I a lot of Stories but that one was the one I was more interested in." Violetwing replied

"Which one?" She asked.

"Echo said it was the Legend of how Predacons learned Fire..." Violetwing replied

"That was one of my favorites as a youngling. Echo is a natural born story teller. Maybe even a fable weaver. That was also the beginning of our family. Our bloodline. The one who first learned fire was our ancestor." Razor said

Violetwing was stunned she looked away taking this all in "It was said in the tale that he became the first Predaking. Do you remember that? Or did Echo accidentally leave it out?" Razor asked.

"No... she said that... I'm just trying to take all of this in..." Violet replied

"His name was Onyx Morcanth." She smiled

Violetwing looked at her again "Family history lesson." She chuckled. "Didn't ever expect to know much of those who are your personal ancestors. Did you?"

"No... I didn't..." Violet replied

"I'll teach you more later." Razor smiled "Your liniage is something to be proud of. Very few can say that they know who they are descendants of anymore."

Violetwing smiled to hear that soon after Predaking was moving towards the Predacons they all looked at him Violetwing leaned over to Razor "Have you made your move yet?" she asked in a whisper

"Not yet. We've been too busy to really interact other than business and focusing on teaching." Razor replied back lowly.

Violetwing looked at her "I see..." she replied

Razor looked back to her. "I will try sometime soon though." She told her.

Violet smiled at her. This should be fun... she thought

Razor chuckled and turned her attention back on her target... Predaking. Violetwing looked at him she grinned to herself of know this was going to turn out, Predaking was just talking to the Predacons telling them what they could do while they waited for Orders from Megatron. The two-header from before (now known as Dark Storm) grumbled as he did as he was told. The others had no problems with following orders. Razor waited patiently until Predaking finally got over to her and Violetwing. Predaking growled lowly "Why dose Dark Storm try to disobey Orders?" he asked them

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