New Gear

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While Ratchet and Knockout eagerly went through their new equipment and supplies, the other bots were eager to find out what kind of weapons the mercs had sent their way. Everyone pretty much knew for a fact that the better the Mercenary the better the equipment they had and were able to procure. Most of the stuff they were getting was better than military grade equipment.

"So how is it that this stuff is so high quality?" Wheeljack asked looking up at Dancer who was sitting on top of her ship smoking.

"The guild takes care of its own." Dancer stated as she exhaled slowly. "the best of us get the best weapons. Supplies. Ships." she knocked her servo against the hull of the everblade. "Anything and everything we need to improve our 'game' and I'm the second best merc in the guild. I have creds... That and bots owed me."

"I thought you said you were a former mercenary..." Ultra Magnus said as his optics narrowed at her.

"Technically I'm still part of the Mercenaries guild. I'm just working for Optimus Prime for long-term. Why burn bridges that can prove useful later on you know? It did get you some new toys so why complain about it?" she shrugged. She was starting to return to her usual self, the cigarette and Wheeljack's presence were more than likely what was causing her to calm down so quickly.

"Good point." Wheeljack stated as he continued to dig through the crates.

"Finally some decent computer equipment!" Ratchet exclaimed happily from across the hanger.

"It's like Christmas for you guys huh?" Miko asked looking up at Optimus and Lyrica.

"I wouldn't know what Ratchet's been through..." Lyrica replied

Optimus looked down at her before he looked at Miko. "Yes... you could say that..." he replied

Dancer watched for a bit longer before she jumped down from the top of her ship and went to a crate with her name clearly marked on it. She pried it open and looked inside before chuckling.

"Well now. Someone fixed it. And made it pretty again." she said as she pulled a new shield out of the crate. The inside of it had runes on it like Dancer's sword. But the design on the outside looked much different. A white background with a deep blue predacon with a silver optic and a crescent moon on the chest breathing what looked to be blue fire.

Lyrica looked at it funny she didn't know what it was about. "Why is there an image of a Predacon on the shield?" she asked

"Shadow Fang made it originally and my sword. And the Predacon on this shield is like the emblem of the elite mercs in the guild because of the guild master. And the symbol of The terror trio's clan." Dancer responded.

Knack ran up to her and Dancer looked at the fox before reaching into the crate then tossing a ball a small distance away. The turbofox ran after it and pounced on it starting to play with it.

"They sent my more important personal things from the station here to me." she chuckled "they remembered Knack too." Dancer quickly grabbed something like a picture frame of sorts from the crate and hid the image.

Lyrica just looked at her before she looked to see her sparkmate almost going crazy over the medical stuff like Ratchet she sighed and shook her helm.

Dancer dragged her crate of things back to her ship then disappeared inside with it.

"It is reassuring to finally have more equipment at our disposal." Optimus stated seeming quite impressed with all the things that were turning up from the crates.

"Indeed..." Lyrica replied

"Megatron is in for one heck of a surprise!" Bulkhead grinned pulling out a disruptor gun.

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