Aunt Echo

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It was early morning and Echo bridged down to the Wheyr as the Predacons prepared to leave for a rainforest, by way of ground bridge, for the day.

She looked around then walked over to Razor.

"You needed me for something Razor?" Echo asked.

"Yes actually. I need you to watch Jenny for me while i'm out teaching the clan a few things in a different environment." Razor said while holding a very sleepy looking human child in her servo.

Echo looked at the child then back at Razor. "Okay. I can do that." She nodded.

Echo took Jenny from Razor and said her goodbyes before leaving back to the nemesis with the child with a few things in mind for the child that day.

When the two got to the Nemesis the blue femme looked over the small child, she sighed and Jenny looked up at her curiously.

"I'm Echo, I'm going to be taking care of you today." She said with a warm and friendly tone of voice.

"I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you." Jenny chirped.

"It's nice to meet you too... You're quite a ragamuffin aren't you Jenny?" Echo smiled a bit.

"A ragga what?" Jenny asked confused.

"It means you're all messy."

"Oh." Jenny giggled. "Yeah. I am."

"What do you say we fix that, and make you look all nice again."

"Okay." Jenny nodded.

"We need to get you cleaned up first. Then we can try to get you some new clothes. Sound good?"

"Yep!" Jenny bounced excitedly.

Echo chuckled a little and carried the little girl to the private room in the Medbay and set her down on the berth and went to get something to clean the child up with. She brought back a rag and a small dish of warm soapy water and some regular water to rinse her off with.

"Alright. I think that it's bath time for you." Echo said putting the dish down. It was about as deep as a standard human bathtub.

Jenny nodded and took off her tattered and dirty clothes and Echo helped her into the water. The little girl played with the soap bubbles as the dirt was washed away from her pale freckle covered little face and the rest of her body. When she was clean Echo rinsed her off with the clean water and dried her with the rag gently. She looked very different now that she was actually clean.

"Alright sweetie. Put your clothes back on. We'll go speak to Soundwave to see if he can hack a few systems so we can't get some money to buy you some new clothes and a few other things."

"Okay." Jenny nodded and pulled her ratty old shirt and pants back on, her auburn locks a wild tangle still.

Echo cleaned up the water mess and picked the child up and set her on her shoulder and went to leave the Medbay. She walked through the ship until she got to where Soundwave usually was. She explained the situation and he looked away from his monitors to look at the child on Echo's shoulder.

"...Tiny" he commented in a clip of Spitfire's voice.

"Yeah she is. And I want to help out by getting her some new clothes and a few things to make it easier for her to live out there with the Predacons... Will you help?" Echo asked.

Soundwave was silent for some time as he considered this. Echo had never asked anything of him before... And she was always kind to everyone... Even laserbeak. She didn't just consider his Minicon as part of him like a mindless drone... She treated him the same as any other one. He liked that about her... Laserbeak gave a very soft chirp and Soundwave finally nodded.

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