You're on thin ice, so tread light.

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 The morning sun rose again, and as per usual I was lying alone in 'our' bed, though this time my sadness that troubled me previously had prevailed and slowly the excitement of today was seeping in. The conversation I had the night before had been insightful to say the least. Yesterday wasn't behind me but now I could say confidently that I knew how to play it from here on in, but it didn't bother me: today I was going to be back with my fiancé, something I had wanted for 4 long dreary months.

Today the sun gleamed down onto me, glaring harshly off the wet surfaces, as if mocking us for our inability to control it. My first thought was pull my curtains closed, to lock out the light that threatened to blind me with every passing second, but became quickly distracted by my phone on the bedside table, painted black to fit the room, as it vibrated and lit up like it was having a seizure. Glancing down a the screen it told me I had missed 5 calls, and had 7 texts waiting. Sheesh some thing’s important. I thought to myself. Worried, I unlocked the screen and searched through the logs.

Ben's name filled my screen. I wasn't sure if I was meant to be annoyed but I couldn't stop the butterflies from expanding and filling my stomach, taking away my ability to breathe. I didn't even need to see the texts to fall back to him, though, eventually, I slowed my heart and plucked up the courage to opening them. My head spun, my cheeks blazed.

“Hey, Babe, I can't wait to see you in the morning, I can't sleep I'm so excited to be with you, it really hasn't been the same without you in my arms. Ben xoxo”

“Hunnii, I can't wait now, Danny seems a little anxious about you being here but the second I see you it will all be okay. Ben xoxo”

“I LOVE YOU!!! Ben xoxo”

I read through each text, the latter ones became more confusing, so I safely assumed he'd had a drink, but that didn't concern me. Putting my phone down again one thing caught my eye, a call, from a number not in my contacts... but it was the same as the person from yesterday. Pushing away any negative thoughts I remembered the blinding light pouring in from the plain glass window, gems of pure sun light danced back and forth in a sort of pre-arranged formal dance, pulling me further and further into a blissful happiness, lulled by their playful songs and dances.

With the sun sulking back behind the menacing clouds I stood alone, tall at the end of my street with only a suitcase for company as I silently pulled my phone from my pocket, half expecting a text from Ben after I replied to all his after getting ready, He'd arranged to get the bus pick me up here at 11.... it was now 11:23. My heart slowly sank. He isn't even going to come is he? Water began to rise in my eyes, clouding over the already dull world that stoop open before me. Practically collapsing onto my suitcase, I moan loudly into my weak hands.

“Melissa?” A soft voice spoke which sounding exactly like a worried Ben. BEN!

I raise my head to look at him, and like always he looks perfect, okay he could do with a shower but he is perfect. Dropping to my height he pushed his lips to mine and it takes me hardly a second to kiss back, but he suddenly pulled back looking troubled. “I missed you so much, hunnii, and It's amazing getting to see you.” he whispers close to my ear before going back to kiss me a couple more times.

“I missed you too you know.” And with that he stood up, took my hand and raised me too my feet.

We didn't hesitate to hold each other, and as we stood there embracing it all felt normal, and doubts I had before had completely left my head. He hasn't changed, he loved me and I knew it.

He picked up all of my luggage and trawled it over the pavement with me following, admiring the way he looked with a grey background. Picture perfect. We turned a couple streets and then entered the bus, which looked amazing if I could say so, and in honesty, I was totally hyped to be on it.

“Hey Ben, and sexy.” Cameron shouted, and I just smiled, I knew Ben would be a little jealous but Cam was like it last time too.

“Hey guys, long time no goddamn see.” I beamed and everyone chuckled.

Ben took my bags to what I guessed would be my bunk and I made my way to the sofa where all the guys were perched.

“Sooo, you guys miss me?” I asked playfully.

“Hell yeah what are us guys meant to wank off too without hot girls on the bus!” Danny replied, of course it would be Danny.

“Hm, I don't know, you're own girlfriends or porn since YOU'RE A GUY?!”

“Nah we'd rather you.”

“Yeah, to be fair, Ben knows we are all pretty jealous he's got someone like you.” Sam said, and for some reason it baffled me. Sam always seemed like the innocent one, almost like a little brother of the band, odd I guess. James bit his lip and shot Sam a bad look.

“You all right there James?” I asked, he stared and the floor and just walked out. “What's up with him then?”

“Oh, he's just in a bad mood.” The guys said though I thought maybe they were lying.

“Anyway its great to see you back lets have a fucking party!!!” Danny screamed and soon the booze came out, just as Ben walked back to the room and grabbed me by the waist kissing my neck. Danny was annoyed but this slightly and to be fair I knew why, he just didn't want me hurt, and after I called him last night in desperation he feared that was exactly what was going to happen.

“Hm, babe that's good, but can we just wait till we're out the way of the guys?”

“No way, I haven't seen you in months, I can't wait any longer, do you know how much I have craved for you?” he whispered into my ear before carrying on, and I had to admit it did feel bloody amazing, even if I was a little awkward.

Cam gave out the beers to everyone, as I got mine I thanked him and moved away a bit from Ben, since he was now pushing a hand up my top, and I couldn't do that in front of people. He pouted but took a beer from Cam and happily drank away.

They had the music blaring out of the speakers and all the guys kept coming over to me for hugs, saying that Ben hadn't been the same on tour this year and that they were so glad to see me back really.

“Oh my god!” Danny shouted out, “James, come look at this, see the rock that's sat on her finger!” James wasn't happy but complied and I stood there, a beer in one hand and my other out strechted for the guys to see.

“No way! Ben, you didn't!..” Sam chortled like a child would when excited about their birthday.

“Yeah, she's mine guys, hands off.” Spoke Ben, sliding his arm around my waist again, but I also noticed his glance shoot towards James as he said.

What were they hiding about James?

“Congratulations! She's a damn keeper Ben, you have to treat her right. You won't want to lose a body like hers that's for sure.” Danny said and they all nodded their head in almost jealous approval.

They rose a toast, and I took another bottle... or two, I was going to enjoy myself today, I was making sure of it.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now