I should have seen this coming.

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“Sam, are you okay?” I wonder as I stand behind his haunched back, his head down toilet, dry retching. I brush his hair back out his eyes and rub his back a little, hoping to comfort him in an obviously horrendous time. A weak nod was given, and I knew he felt so fucking terribly ill.

“Okay, I'll be right back, all right?” I pushed back on my feet and walked into the kitchen, running a tap on a cloth, and then also filling a glass with water. I searched the cupboards for painkillers, finding a box of paramax (A paracetamol brand mixed with anti sickness) and without a second thought pulled out one sachet, dumping the white contents into his drink and stirring methodically.

I slipped my iPod into my pocket, from my room, on the way back and sat down on the tiled floor next to Sam's shaking body. I put everything down on the floor in front of me, 'Sam, dear, I need you to drink some of this, it will taste foul, I am sorry, but it will help with the sickness, and your head.' I shush, as I comfort him again, lifting the glass to his lips. I watch as he drinks down the bubbling medicine, and as he tried desperately to not throw it back up, unable to help more. After a few moments he seems to have won the war and leans back against the wall with a small smile of relief. “Here, have the wet towel, I don't know if it will help but it might relieve your headache.”

Nothing was really happening, but I still felt the need to look after him, after all I have always been a nursing type, and wanted to help out. Quietly I pick up my iPod and start playing “We stitch these wounds” album by Black Veil Brides, knowing Sam liked the band. I moved to sit next to him, and almost silently we sang along together. I guess the medicine worked because we was no longer gagging, and his head was easing off as he became louder.

“Thank you, Mel, I just drank too much again.” He laughed a little, still visibly suffering from a bad hangover.

I was about to reply when I heard the door slam. “Alright, misses, I need your hand getting the fucking luggage in! How's sick boy?” James shouted from the front door. I sprang to my feet. “I'm on my way! And he's okay, he's not sick any more!” I exclaim, running to the door to the struggling drummer. I took the closest bags towards me, causing me to sink under its weight a little and haul them back slowly to the main room. I repeated this several time, the last person in the conveyor belt, as Cam removed them from the car.

“Alright guy's I'm knackered, time for a fucking tea!” I cry, as I fall back into the couch breathless. Shit, I really was out of shape. Saskia dropped in the seat next to me, feeling a little awkward. After all we didn't really talk a lot, especially now, but we got along because of our situation. Her hair was a vivid pink with green streaks, cut into a shortish, spikey style. Most girls couldn't pull it off, but she managed it. Her lip had gained a second piercing as one silver hoop and one ball decorated it. Her nose was pierced on the right side, with a ring identical to Cameron's. Awwh, that's so sweet!

“Hey, Sam's been sick all morning, so if you want to be sick warn me, I've had practice in caring for the ill today.” I smiled as she laughed gently. She really was a lovely girl, I wish we'd gotten closer in all fairness.

“Cam said there's been a lot of drama, and shit going on for you, I am so sorry, dear.” She spoke, placing her hand on top of mine.

“Thank you, I'll be okay.” I smiled, though this time my mind kind of numbed to the thoughts that were pouring back. The door shut again and a soaking Cameron strode in.

“It just started raining. I'm not even lying, one minute we're all out there and it's sunny. I park the fucking car to walk back and oh hell I'm soaked! I'm going to get dressed again.” He moaned, picking up his bag of clothes and kissing Saskia quickly as he walked. Sam had now got himself into the main room, as had James with a cup of tea for me and water of the other two, hoping to make them feel a little better.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now