I was meant to make you smile

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For the last few days Cam and Sask had been staying in a hotel. Almost like they were having a honeymoon before they even got married. But it doesn't take a lot of imagination to work out why they were there. No one's heard from them since so it's safe to assume they've just stayed inside, alone and happy - in many ways.

For means of comparison I hadn't really been heard from either; hiding away at Ben's like the mole I was. This time it was in a good manner though. Ben and I had spent the days being lazy and watching films, no alcohol, nothing I could get hooked on.

The engagement seemed to good for everyone. Even Danny has been calmer since.

Today, however was going to be different, and the entire band would need to leave hibernation. 

The alarm tugged at my dreams, craving - once again - my attention. I clenched my eyes shut, forcing out the reality of day. After all I'd only managed to sleep 3 hours ago, and was not in the mood for being roused this early. The crying siren call of my phone, however, reminded me what today was really going to be.

Accepting sleep was no longer an option, I turned on the bed and shut the noise down. With a sore head from an abrupt wake up I moved back, leaning my head onto Ben's chest since the past week I had recurring nightmares and he'd resorted to lying with me to keep watch on me. I have to admit, knowing he's there to hold me close helped a lot, and the anxiety sleep provided had reduced almost completely. 

"Ben," I mumbled into his neck,  shaking him from his dreams. I was greeted with some murmur that I had concluded to be in a strange form of English I did not, as of yet, speak. I sighed as I spoke "Come one, Ben. We need to get you up, and you know it."  

He still had not moved, and desperate times call for drastic measures, or at least that's what people say, right? Resignedly, I got up on my feet and plodded out across the carpeted floor and into the bathroom. I found the taps and a tub, and well what happened next would never be my fault.

Silently I clambered back into the bedroom, but instead of getting back in, I stood at the foot of the bed. 

"Ben, Honey, it's 9 AM, you need to be awake now." I warned, looking over his perfect sleeping state. There was a pang of hurt in my stomach, telling me I should feel bad for doing this, but he'd left me no choice. I waited another 30 seconds for any signs of his awakening, and when none were present I did the one thing I could do. Dump freezing cold water over his half-naked form and watch him startle awake.

"What the fuck!?" He screamed as he lurched into a seated position, hair slick to his face, water dropletts clinging to his goose-pimpled skin.

"Morning." I smiled cockily before walking out the room and downstairs. He'd figure it all out in a second.

I situated myself in the kitchen, cooking up a fry-up to make up for my rudeness a minute ago. Listening close, I heard the bathroom door close and the light trickle of the shower start. Bless him, must be trying to warm himself up. 

I couldn't help but smile as I heard the bacon crackle and the sausages sizzle and the smell of greasy, cholesterol filled ticking time bombs we know as 'breakfast'.

The last sausage hit the plate as Ben walked into the kitchen, now fully-clad in his usual ripped black skinny jeans, but this time opting for a black button down top. With his hair already straightened I couldn't help but admire the way he looked. Like always he was stunning, perfect, gorgeous.  But of course, I can't think that. He's my ex, I just... I can't, can I?

He had the meal wolfed down in 5 minutes and was already making his way towards the door. Someone's really eager today.

Laughing, I swiped the house and car keys off the table and jogged, leaving the house in the clothes I had slept in: Leggings and a Young Guns t-shirt. The only thing I added was a grey Anthem beanie to hide my tangled hair, which I had now dyed into a beautiful teal blue colour.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang