I can't hold you any longer in this hell I'm in

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Everything had become so confusing. We were all slumped across the sofas and floors, my head on Ben, arms on Cam and legs on James. Even with the room spinning I had noticed the cram of mess that co-inhabited with with the boys; the plain, boring tabled littered with empty beer, coke and energy drink cans, Every available part of the wall plastered with notice boards, and a huge collection (which if I remembered correctly, belonged to Sam) of posters of so many amazing bands. With a huge centrepiece of Brusnop (Ben and Danny) in which there were a series of clips. One of which Ben was bent over, Danny pouting behind him in his usual rock clothes, his hips squaring against his arse. Another of Ben and Danny on a white back ground, Danny pushing his lips upon Ben's as they embraced and kissed. To be fair to you all they 'shipped' themselves pretty well, and secretly I was a little jealous.

It was oddly calm here, even with my head spinning and the chances of me bringing up my breakfast were phenomenal, the surround spaced seems so relaxed, so happy. A complete contrast to what was going on beyond the severely battered windows where rain still lashed out on any unwilling victim, soaking them down tot heir bones in seconds before engulfing them in the swirling, evil mist.

Small flickers came from above, like fireworks only for to see, as no one else was awake yet, and in this moment I could feel it all coming together perfectly, it was going to be amazing spending the next couple months with my friends. And my fiancé... Although I was still not quite sure what I was going to do with him yet.

It may have been a few more hours when the boys started waking up, apparently they had party hard the nigh before and well subsequently crashed out not long after I arrived, which I didn't mind.

“Morning gorgeous.” I whisper huskily to Ben who was now beginning to rise, his fluffed up hair looking more like a nest, I guess the moisture in the air made it go like that. Out of the corner of my eye I see the tall but gentle James wrinkle his face in disgust and turning away from us. I moved my legs off him, turned and lay on the slightly alcoholic smelling Carpet between Cam and Ben.

“Hm, hey good looking, wanna fuck?” He murmured eyes still half closed.

“Yes please.” Begged Cam... we assume he was asleep, but then knowing Cameron probably not. My face flushed because for some reason the image of a band ship is so cute, but I remember we are 23 and I need to snap back out of it. I lean in kissing Ben's soft, sweet smelling skin and part of me worries. I thought I'd recognise his scent, but all I recognise is a light perfume.

“Don't I get one?” Can pipes up again, man he must be desperate for something. I was angry with Ben. He promised. He promised me he wouldn't cheat, but maybe that phone call was right. Turning in the dimming light I push my lips onto Cams cheek and sit myself back between them, telling myself to give Ben the benefit of the doubt, might have just been a crazed fan after all.

“Well that hurt, you kissing Cam and all.” He joked and part of it made me love him part annoyed me.

“Uh hum,” I cough “There's a picture right above you head with your lips on Danny's. Yes it may be adorable but doesn't mean it isn't the same.” We both laugh and I think everyone (awake, this is) in the room agree, but James still seemed a bit off. Hm, I wonder what's be into him, but people have said he's been like it for a while so maybe it's just a tough time.

Ben pulls me swiftly onto him, kissing my hair then neck, which sends intense electric sparks through my whole body. Involuntarily, I let out a breathy sigh into his hair and my body flexed against him, which he seemed to like as his giggled before kissing harder and slightly nipping my neck, which drove me insane. His hands moved up my back which gave me chills in itself.

“Guys, for fuck sake get a room, it's like all you want to do is rip each others clothes off!” James moaned.

“Like you've never fucked Brandi in front of us all. And come on you'd want to rip her clothes off too if you got the chance.”

“Hey, Ben you know Brandi and I split up, that was harsh.”

“Yeah.. I'm sorry I shouldn't have.”

“Wait... James, you and Brandi broke up?” I asked confused, why had no one told me?

“Yeah, we were arguing a lot, she needed to be in America all the time, I got drunk slept with a few girls, she had enough and we just left it at that.”

“Oh god, I feel so bad, I didn't even know. Are you okay after it?”

“We don't really speak. I learnt my lesson though because she meant a lot to me. If I ever get someone else then I'll treat them better.” His eyes dropped from mine to the floor, and Ben tensed a little, this was all so confusing to me. I can't see why Ben''s being so protective and hurting James, they used to be a unit, and James, man I felt so bad for him. And Brandi to be honest, those two were perfect for each other.

“That's tough, but seriously you'll get someone. Come on you must have you're eye on someone right.” I pushed,i wanted to prep him up a little bit, make him cheerier, but Ben just shot me a look, got up and walked out of the room, which again is very odd. He walked briskly too, so obviously I had done something wrong, but I don't know what.

James had stared at the door for a long time after Ben had left, I presume he was waiting for the crazy haired, wild tempered monkey he'd known for years to come bounding in, or waiting outside the door listening. But what to, I wondered. He was visibly shaking, so I crawled over Cam to get to him. Cam looked as though sleep had fully embraced him again, James tested this by flicking his nose, when he didn't budge he looked away satisfied. As James continued to shake, I took his large “Droomer” hands in mine hoping to calm him down.

“Yeah,” He breathed. “I do like someone, but no I won't get them because they're happy with someone else.”

“Awh, wow that's hard. I want you to move on and all, but like it's shit you can't properly.”

“Yeah, I wish maybe she would notice how much I cared, but she won't.”

“Maybe she will if you tried to show her?”

“Her partner though... he'd kill me.”

“Well just try to be a close friend then.”

“Hm, I will then.”



“Uh, James, can I have my hand back?”

His face flushed immediately, and his voice broke when he apologised, giving me a short meek smile. I leant forward to give him a tight hug, and I felt him relax considerable, before moving back standing up and looking for Ben.

He was sat in his bunk facing away from the curtain. Hands on his face.

“Knock knock.” I gently tapped him.


“Can I come in?”

“Only if I can.” He smirked. 

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now