Roll off my tongue like they're posion

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Just a warning, this one's pretty dark, so yeah. I don't know where this got so twisted, blame the song I was listening to. Anyways, I love you <3

"Tell me this is a fucking lie!" Ben screamed, clenching the phone in his hand as he retained himself from knocking Lucas out on the spot.

"I don't know what you've read." He replied casually which infuriated Ben further.

"Tell me that you haven't done this for Jordan! Tell me! Fucking tell me!" He let out in almost a low roar, the rage flowing through him now was pretty much burning.

"Good boys are told not to lie." He smirked turning his back on us and walking away down the corridor - the only escape.

"Good boys don't act like you." Ben muttered under his breath as him, and everyone else in the room, desperately looked for a way out of the situation.

But there was none. Not really. James' sight locked on the doorway into the corridor maze and took the only shot we had - running away. With a nod, we jumped up and sprang down the dark abyss that Lucas had only just been enveloped in. There was a thundering crash of our footfalls echoing on the unfurnished stone floor as we hastily fumbled our away around. With any luck he would have gone to get Jordan - I never thought I'd say that was a lucky thing - which I hoped involved him going deeper into the building and if we hurried enough we could somehow storm the door.

The tunneling route was suffocating and every odd sound caused us to jump because the incessant fear that they would follow us. And if they caught us escaping who knows what they'd do. As we charged through the small space I noticed an alley branching off to the left which twisted away into the gloom showing me nothing helpful.

The footfalls were becoming blunter, telling us we were getting closer to the exit we so desperately needed. A cool chill of stagnant air brushed across my skin, making my skin prickle icily upon contact. Sam, running directly in front of me, pulled up suddenly. I stumbled on my feet and fell to the ground painfully with a reverberating crack. Pain shot through my arm and my head span confirming the idea I've broken my wrist.

"Sam! Help!" I screamed from my position on the floor, unable to pick myself up in the dark.

"Be quiet, we're at the fucking door!" He whisper yelled, more focused on the escape first. I needed to get back on my feet soon, so we could leave quickly, but my muted protests from the floor went unnoticed. After 30 grueling seconds I resorted to lifting myself up, but the attempt was futile. The second I put pressure on my hand I collapsed in a screaming, hurting mess.

Light pooled in a small sliver that spread across the floor, illuminating the dry, cracked concrete. Basking in it, realisiation set in. We were free; out; okay. The sun-kissed golden mark burst wider as the door was flung open, and the air from outside rushed in. Cam, and Sask pushed past me as everyone made their way to the door, as I shuffled, desperately on my knees, grasping my wrist in pure agony.

"Where's Mel!" Ben screamed as he got his last foot into safety.

I whispered "Here." Dryly, but loud enough to get his attention. He spun back on his heels and bounded over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his eyes darting around in fear.

"Wrist. Can't put pressure-" was all I got out before we were plunged into an impossible blackness.

There were desperate pleas and cried from the other side as the banged their fists on the steel door, like it was going to help. I couldn't see anything at all, and the pounding from the band was all that filled my head. Trapped. We're trapped. It occurred to me that if they didn't stop banging Jordan would know we were here, but it turns out I didn't need to worry about that.

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