I Need A Home, Sweet Home

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"Things are on the up." Ben chirped, his hand resting on my knee as his other hand power steered his car that he got Danny to drive over to the hospital. His face was warped with a genuine smile that seemed to light up his eyes with anticipation, and his leg bounced with nerves.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously, but maybe the question wasn't the right reply because the glimmer of hope he had melted from his face instantly.

"Well you're going to get help, of course. Which will make you better, which will make me happier." Was what he retorted but this time with little enthusiasm. I just smiled and grunted my agreement before looking back out the window.

Trees rushed pasted me, so did fields of green blurs and white imperfections I knew to be daisies. Over the next ten minutes the greenery became sparce as a million shades of dull and undulating grey took over, blanding out the nature as we plummeted into the 'real world', though how anything this man made could be counted as real was beyond me. The car choked and the engine to Ben's pride and joy sputtered as we backed ourselves into typical London traffic. I never understood why people called it 'rush hour' when during this time you couldn't go anywhere, let alone rush.

I powered the window back up to stop the toxic exhaust fumes getting to my head and settled back in my seat. Staring out as people became more and more irritated by - well everything. Ben happened to be one of those people and after 10 minutes, of which we moved a whole 8 feet, the road rage took over and he started to mutter a slur of profanites under his breath. That just caused me to roll my eyes at him.

The cram of metal on ashphalt in soaring fume induced heat barely budged for the next 50 minutes as the air was filled with constant blares of violent horns and my ears went through periodic assualts of Ben's anger. Each time he fought an outburst I remembered why we never let him drive the bus, we knew someone would wind up dead after only one night.

With a few more screams from people around, our car began to roll forwards hesitantly before making a break off a side street and taking the back alleys across the city.

"You're going to be alright?" Ben stated, but made it more as a question in what was an attempt to reassure himself. I simply nodded as I pulled on the plastic car interior handle and pushed the door open, stepping out of the car. He shot me another concerned look as he left his side.

"Look, Ben, I'm going to be fine. Okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. His body noticably relaxed. 

"You know I just care about you." He grimaced, to be fair I don't think he wanted to remind me of that. Not after what I'd said earlier.

"I know, and I care about you too, even if I don't show it and am horrible half the time." I smiled. I meant it. I act like a huge bitch but I really care about him and all my friends.

His hand latched around my upper arm as he walked me through the thresh-hold, locking the car door by a small black remote over his shoulder. I smiled at his touch as we got into the house I still knew so well and still felt like it was my own.

We walked into the lounge and I made my way wearily to the couch, looking about everything. I'd been here less than a week ago but still things felt different, felt missing, I just couldn't work out what.

As if Ben could read my mind he stood behind me and whispered in my ear 'I know, the pictures.' Which sort of killed mr to realise. The pictures of Ben and I which used to sit in many places of the room were all taken down, which I completly understood. But that didn't stop that small twang of pain igniting in my chest.

I pushed the thought away quickly though, refusing to let myself open up that possibibity as I excused myself from the room to call Oli.

After two rings it was picked up. 'Hello?'

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