I stand here as nothing to you.

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The signing dragged on, but being behind the stall with the guys around somehow helped. I heard so many tales about victims of rape not being able to be near men due to immense fear. And I know what that fear is like, but still those few guys seems to feed me strength. Maybe its because they fought him when they found out. They protected me then so I believe they'll protect me now.

The florescent lights from the store began to irritate my head as it gleamed of the white floor tiles and seared my retinas. The crush of people caused me to worry a little as the once heaving tables before me now lay thinly lined. I couldn't believe how much merch people buy at a time. Though I wasn't going to lie, if I could I'd do the same.

The mass picked up the remaining stock and headed towards the door, finally, the signing came to an end after a long 3 hours. It was now 4pm. And we were already running late for sound check. The Guys will get murdered this time for it. I can't help but think to myself, they hardly ever turn up on time now and it's pissing off the tour manager to no end.

“Shit!” Cam yells grabbing his 3rd bottle from the floor which was half filled with beer. “We are going to be in shit, guys, come on.” He complained, but no one really listened bar Sam. With a quick wave bye they left the store. At least two of them took the band seriously... well serious enough.

“Nah, my instrument doesn't need tuning.” I hear Danny say to the pissed off Ben, who had his cheeks puffed out, hands on his hips. “Don't give me that look Ben, you know you can't argue.”

“No, but I can pout.” He sighed, hoping for a small guilt trip as he turned on his heels and walked out with James too. I knew they'd be angry at Danny, he was slipping again, separating himself from his band. His unit. His family for the majority of the year. And it think it is safe to assume no one wanted a repeat of Seattle.

“You 'kay for us to hang with you?” The northern Matt Nicholls asked, standing up from his seat. His eyes wide but fixed on nothing in particular, “I mean, I understand if you aren't cool with it but-”

“Chill man, I'm cool with it, just don't get Danny drunk.” I laugh, though they knew that deep down I was serious. Danny just hadn't been right recently.

“We'll try, Mum.” He laughed. He could tell I was anxious being around them a little as he tried to ease the tension.

“I'll have you know I'm 4 years younger than you.” I prod as I help dismantle the tables. And that was it, with everything down we left Ali to get it back on the bus and we ventured to the next destination.

I hadn't noticed any pubs on the walk here but now we were leaving I saw tons. I guess its the beauty of a city, everything is everywhere. Danny and Oli stood on either side of me. Danny's arm around my waist, Oli's around my shoulders. Which didn't surprise me, I'm a cute 5 foot 6 inches, and he's a rather hot 6 feet 4 inches, Oli, covered in his tattoo's smothered in his broad accent and plastered by his fake smile was just the kind of guy I used to go for... but then Dom used to be just like him. Don't ever judge someone by their looks, I guess. Though I was sure Oli would never hurt his girlfriend, him and Hannah were so sweet together.

A small bar sat on the corner of a grimy alleyway. “In we go.” Lee chirped under his breath. The cute Lee was definitely the shy one of the group. Silent but sweet for sure. He bounced through the doorway, with his entourage close behind. “Mate, can I have a pint.” he lulled in his accent, getting it rather quickly.

The floor was sticky and the sickly stench of vomit, piss and alcohol hung dense in the air, threatening to suffocate me upon arrival. The overwhelming crowd and buzz from the room filled me with a bubbling concoction of deep-lying fear and incredible safety. The feelings so contradictory my head span.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now