Self-destruction is such a pretty little thing.

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For the next few days the band enjoyed lazy days inside, watching tv, and drinking beer, with them doing amazing shows. Everything had settled down in the bus. Ben was keeping away from his girl for the week, out of respect or something. I got space from both Ben and James, no matter how many feelings I had for them, the time away with Danny really helped. I spent almost every waking hour with him and it seemed he liked that too. My shakes had died, so had my suicidal thoughts. Something about the tension in the bus must have made them worse because now that I have space, and enough air to breath, I don't feel like drowning, or burning.

Today was going to be the first time in the week the whole band and I were getting together. After a week of isolating myself Danny decided that maybe a day together would help things. Maybe, but I don't think he knew how scared I was to see them.

“Oi, wake up girlie.” He brushed his hand through my hair before pushing me to sit up, placing pillows behind my back. “So, my darling, we're all going out today,” which earned him a grumpy groan, “And don't you give me that attitude. We have a little plan for you.” My eyes widened quizzically, which he noticed before tapping his nose. Its a secret then.

Tiredly, I slopped from my bed, taking some clothes with me to the bathroom. My feet slapping against the cold, bare floor, not even laced with carpet. The chill lurched me out of my sleep, sending shivers over me. Damning myself, I undressed from my vest and underwear, and pulled on a new black lace set covered by ripped black skinny jeans, a Drop Dead line shirt, and CutCakeNotWrists wrist band. (A/N Please, anyone with depression or self harms check out CutCakeNotWrists, its an organisation set up by youtubers that previously harmed or where depressed. It deserves to be recognised.) Once I put on my make up hiding my spots, an everything else, I headed out.

“Bit heavy on the eye liner there, love?” Cam joked, even though it wasn't that heavy.

“Fuck off, I love you and all, but I'd rather stay in bed than be pulled out and insulted.” We both smiled. I pulled out a can of Monster and began to drink it down quickly.

“Urm, you won't need too much energy for the activity.” I was now extremely confused. With a shrug of my shoulders I drank the rest of it down defiantly, making me feel a little sick, and crushed the can in my hand.

Ten minutes passed before we all strutted out onto the street: the five smoking boys, and my small slutty self. With no idea what was happening, they walked me through the town for maybe twenty minutes, curving and winding through streets I didn't know existed let alone remembered. After snaking this way and that we stopped outside a building. I didn't get time to check out the sign or interior, however, as one of the boys, Sam I think, covered my eyes. I was then lead through the door.

“Now?” I heard Ben mutter?

“Now” Confirmed Danny.

The hands were ripped away from my eyes, leaving the room to my viewing. In front was a reception desk, a girl dressed much like me stood there, poring over the books in front. Behind were four chairs that looked like the ones in the dentist, each accompanied by a stool, and a trolley with mirrors and mechanical equipment on. It took me only seconds to work out where they had brought me.

“Surpise,” Ben shouted. “Do you remember us talking a couple months back about tattoos? Well we're all getting work done so you are too today. I might have been useless, but trust me I don't forget that stuff.”

I didn't even realise how much I was smiling. I'd been meaning to do this for ages. I always wanted a sleeve done. And my shoulder, and my ankle.. and well just anything. The body art amazed me. But I always wanted it to be meaningful as well. And lyrics by all means helped with that. 'Come on' someone urged, and we all walked over to the desk.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now