I Won't Let You Be The Death Of Me.

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"Get out, party is over. And if you wanna know why, blame him!" I heard Danny announce, it didn't take long to work out who 'him' would be.

James turned from the door, his arm going around me for protection.

"I don't know what you're on about, Danny, stop being a cunt." A cool, slimy voice spoke.

"You damn well know, and I know too, and you should leave now before I call the fucking police, you pervert!"

We heard confusion from the other room as people pieced it together all wrong.

"Did he try to come on to you?" Hoarsed James. His fists clenching, eyes set on the door.

"Kinda." Tears spilled over my lids once more as I hid my face in the covers. "I need to shower." I cry. Wanted to rub away all the bad thoughts, bad memories.

"What do you mean 'kinda'?" He questioned, rage still spilling in his voice.

"I mean.. I.. Just I can't... Okay... I can't!"

"Well whatever happened clearly has you worked up, and I'm here for that."

"You think! You fucking think! Of course it's fucking got me worked up!" I scream of the top of my lungs. Silence falls over the entire bus and there no doubt at all that they've heard me.

"Right, Jordan, what the fuck did you do, man." Spoke Oli, calm toned but you could tell he was pissed.


"She's in there crying, dude, shut the fuck up and give us the truth."

"I didn't do a single thing." He yelled defensively.

"Shut up with your bullshit! I'm fucking fed up with it!" Footsteps sounded in the hall, closing in on the door the person outside tried the handle. But of course it was locked.

"Hey, can I come in?" The guy asked.

"Who is it?" James countered gruffly, tightening his grip on my hand. It was Oli, I knew that, and he said so himself a few seconds later. James looked over to me, forcing me to make the decision. I didn't really want to see anyone. Ever. But Oli hadn't done anything, and I gathered he's a caring guy. I held tighter to James' hand and nodded.

He unlocked the door and it slipped open, the older lanky guy standing shakily, he came in quickly locking the door behind him for my sake.

"Can I sit?" I nodded again, tears stinging me as I cried once more.

Tentatively, he lowered onto the couch next to me, but kept away from my personal space.

"Hey, I know it's hard, please don't cry." His soft voice lulled, though the thought scared me and I cried even more.

"Did she say what happened?"

"I think he came on to her or something."

"Dude, you're worried aren't you."

"How he fuck can I not be?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean... She's scared to tell anyone what happened. If she can't tell you maybe Danny and Jordan are the only two who know right now?"

"Like I said, I think he came on to here of something."

"Look at her, James, dude, there ain't no way she's that upset over that."

I practically heard James' horror as he began working it out. His grip practically crushing my hand. I slowly swung my eyes to Oli as he leaned over taking my other hand.

"Or something..." James repeatedly whispered under his breath. I held both their hands on my knees as I screamed inside my head. The drug must have worn off because more and more memories were occurring. Jordan and I arguing. Him taking me for air. Making my drinks. Kissing me.

I wanted to be sick.

"How dare you call me a pervert!" Jordan's voice was getting louder and more aggressive by the minute. We were safe back here but no one else was.

"Well what do you want me to call you? Scum, arsehole, sick, bastard? Take your fucking pick!"

"Calm down, Danny." Lee and Sam both said at the same time. "What the hell did he do anyway?"

"How about raping Mel! That sick cunt right there."

"She came on to me! I swear it."

"Is that so? That's why she couldn't walk properly with all the drugs in the system. That's why she woke up on a bench half dressed with no memories. That's why she's in there hysterical now!" And that was it, Jordan became physical, lashing out, but Sam and Lee, the two closest to him held him down. He couldn't run this time.

I shuddered as I heard the words, they echoed and slammed off every side of my skull, forcing me into a constant break down.

"Melissa, I won't think bad of you, it wouldn't have been your fault, I know you didn't come on to him, just can you tell me if what Danny just said was true?" Oli asked, using his other hand to stroke my arm soothingly.

"Yeah, all you need to do is tell us, we're both here to support you." James spoke. I didn't want anyone to know, I wanted to pretend like it never happened. But now the whole damn bus knew. James' phone flashed, showing Cam's name. I think he asked about it too. I wanted to lie, hoped that would make it all go away, but it wouldn't. This was something I'd have to put up with for a long, long time.

I simply nodded. All three of us sobbed silently. No words were said, none were needed. James sent a one handed text quickly back to Cam... I knew that that whole room was going to find out.

"James, did he just ask the same?"

"Cam?.. Yeah. But now we can all protect you. I'm sorry I didn't do my job right, really I am. I wanted to go with you. So did Danny, but we didn't really think... Oh if we told him to stay it'd never have happened."

"James, it'll be okay. She loves you remember and she doesn't blame you. And she shouldn't blame herself, but she will, it's what happens at first. But honestly, it wasn't ever your fault." Oli's hand moved to my arm. Somehow I drew strength from them. My floodgates closed again and I began to stand, just about.

"I want him out." I said meaning Jordan.

"It's okay, he'll be leaving. And I'm not tolerating his excuses. I'm so sorry this happened." Oli sighed, he wrote something down quickly on a piece of paper. "That's my number, James has it anyway, but in case you ever need someone to talk to and don't want to worry your band, I'm here. Always. And don't worry. Jordan will no longer be a member of us now, it's not your fault it's his. We all love you okay." He held on to me, pulling me in for a hug.

A minute later he'd slouched, head low, out the door. The protest outside had stopped so we assumes Jordan was either gone or unconscious. I didn't care which.

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