A monkey in a man suit!

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“You're going to be a d-”

“Shut the fuck up, Melissa!” He complained, smashing his warm hand over my mouth, forcing me to silence. “Nobody fucking knows! I'm so fucking nervous to tell them... what do I do?”

He began to pace the small space left in the bathroom. The sick Saskia had a cheerful glint in her eye, not because of seeing her boyfriend freaking out, but because of the thought of a little beautiful soul growing inside her stomach. She seemed so excited by this, and she had every right to be in all fairness.

“Cameron, darling, it will be okay.” She soothed, subconsciously moving her hand across her stomach though of course there was no bump at all.

“But we tour all the fucking time, I want to be a good dad, I just... what happens when I'm always away?” He began speaking in a loud whisper, almost pulling his hair out as he ran his hands through his tasselled black hair. Jesus, I never knew it would effect him like this.

“Then I'll be there for them, silly. Other people manage it, so don't worry, okay.” She made a grab at his hand. I felt awkward where I was, it was such an intimate moment, and I couldn't help, that was where Sakia came into play, all I could do was sit, watch, and occasionally reassure.

There was a knock outside. “Everything alright in there?” James lowly asked, rather concerned.

“Yeah, all's good.” I spoke out calmly, knowing full well I had the most even emotions right now.

“Fuck, you're in there.. I swear to god I just saw Cam go in.” He stated confused, but I chose to not reply, hoping he'd just leave so Cam could calm down.

After a few moments of silence we realised he must have given up and walked away, bored and confused I assume. Cameron was still very tense, but you could visibly see him starting to relax now, his back was more slouched, his shoulders lowered a little. But then you could expect him to be scared, he openly said for a long time that he'd never have children, he didn't want the responsibility; the opportunity to fuck up. I chimed in a couple more pieces of advice but the awkwardness of my antisocial presence was still blatant so with a quick hug to the two of them I backed out the room and made my way to the living area, plopping in to the sofa next to James and curling up, resting my head and the sofa arm.

Some blonde bimbo on the screen was running around under-dressed and hysteric. “What the fuck are you watching?” I asked, throwing a cushion to Sam.

“Saw, now shush we've got the whole day for this series.” He laughed, throwing it back. Goddamn the boys being into horror films, I mean, yeah I liked them and all but fuck they made me paranoid. I tried to keep my focus away from the screen and on Sask's news, I really was so happy for them. “What's got you smiling?” Sam lilted, but just as I looked up to him the blonde girls head was severed, causing me to jump out of my skin. I jumped so much I literally fell onto the hard ground.

“Awh, is someone scared?” James laughed, not taking his eyes away from the screen, not even to blink.

“Shut up you, you know these freak me out!” I snapped, mainly because falling down hurt and I entirely hold them to blame.

“If I get popcorn and a blanket you can use me as a shield.” He winked, but I instantly agreed. Maybe he didn't think it would work, but fuck me that sounded like an idea.

4 minutes later they unpaused the film, James lying behind me on the sofa, pulling my back against him, his arm wrapped around my waist, my hands shovelling in popcorn. “You alright there misses?” He laughed into my hair, probably pulling faces at Sam.

“Yes, but try anything and I'll cut your hand off.” I replied, feeling his hand move higher over my stomach, within a second it stopped. “Thank you, James.” I have to admit having him right there made watching the films so much easier, though I'm pretty sure I will struggle sleeping tonight out of pure fear of being slaughtered. You know, the usual... How the fuck I passed as an adult I'll never know.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now