But instead I'm here drowning in my own fucking mind,

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The sky had morphed to a thick grey blanket that slowly suffocated the areas below. Every so often water would drip down on to me, as the sky spat, mocking my foolishness or whatever else it wanted to rub in. My bare arms goose pimpled as the chill circulated around me. Yes 20 minutes ago it was blue skies, but now it looked like a storm was headed. You just have to love British weather.

I still felt so goddamn numb to it all. My head spun, but I began to feel a little ecstatic. Laughter bellowed from my lungs, though I could not control it or find its source. It was all so weird. My phone, on vibrate, in my pocket remained still. So far no contact, whether that was good or not though I am not sure.

A dark shadow skittered across the other side of the road, though I did not check, nor think I had to, who or what could have created it, I simply put my face in my hands and shook. Maybe it was a symptom of shock, maybe of cold, but I shivered continuously, unable to stop it. The greyness around felt as it if was consuming me.

Something warm touched my shoulder. I bunched up into myself further, hiding myself I suppose.

“Hey,” it was James' soothing voice. “I came straight from sound check. I didn't even finish the check actually. What's happened.”

Tears, for some reason now poured from my eyes. All I could simply manage was to turn my face to his, and look back. “Oh Melissa, you look so scared. Come here.” He sat down and pulled me in close, my head pushed sideways across his chest. Although I couldn't register a lot of things, I noticed he was actually wearing a top today. A Motionless in White t-shirt. Very slim on him. It looked good.

“Urh.. Ben.. he.. we... I don't know... her.” Finally, I stuttered out something, even if it didn't make sense.


“The one he's with.”

“Don't be silly he loves you, Melissa. You saw his anger toward me.”

“I... urh the day before coming here I got a call from a random number. Essentially saying that he was with her when I'm at home.” I paused to cry, which gave him a chance to pull me ever closer into him. I found it strangely comforting. “She's been texting him. A lot. And she thanked him for a thrilling night and told him she dealt with me and apparently he was planning on leaving me.” It all came out rushed.

A silence fell between us, not awkward or tense just accepting, which scared me the most. We sat there under the slow moving blanket of suffocation, entwined, one crying, the other clenching fists.

“At least you haven't got make up on today. Else I'd be doing that for you. Come on, hun, lets get you somewhere warmer.” He spoke, soothing my hair.

We walked around for maybe quarter an hour. I had not even the slightest of clues where we were or where we were going to, but James seemed to know the area, taking me 'quicker' and more sheltered ways. The dark sky was ever present, but it did not deter us. A small little commercial building stood to out left and James ducked inside, with me following a mere 4 inches behind.

The area, although dark, was homely. There stood many tables, and each had some modern chairs sat around them. One tall man stood, arm around the woman next to him, puller her close. I assumed its his wife.

“Hiya James, nice to see you again.” Spoke the man, and although a lot of people knew it his name it surprised me this time.

“You all right, mate? Sorry we haven't spoken in a while.”

“Nah, don't worry about it. Yeah all's been good, and with you? She your missus?” He asked gesturing to me. For some reason I smiled at that thought, but James flushed. “Oh, just like her then.”

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now