The enddd

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It has been 2 years since that horrendous day. At first nightmares plagued my every sleep but now they only come on occasions. And best of all... I can remember I beat that devil. He can't hurt me ever again because I won.

Last year, November 11th to be exact, was the end of his trial. Unsurprisingly he was found guilty on all acounts. That was the day my new life could start. The day he was sentenced to life behind bars where I know he could never hurt me again.

Everyone had been so caring when we got out, tending to both mine and Ben's every need. Yes, we got out. We made it. And the most facinating bit of all is that Ben

strong Brave Ben, recovered. At first they worried there would be permanent damage and that his arm may never work the same again. The 10 months following that ordeal was peppered with hospital visits and sadly no redeeming events like tours. For a while it looked like he was out of the band all together. But that never stopped him. He made significant progress and now, although movement is sometimes painful, he has all his ability back again.

James and I settled our differences, and he's a lot happier now that Brandi has come back to him. They kissed and made up and engaged. There's been so many beautiful moments over the past two years that I can almost forget the bad.

Oli and I have been as strong as ever and honestly without him and Danny I wouldn't have made it this far. I won't lie or white wash it - there were times over the past two years where I wanted to give up, could no longer be bothered to fight.

Somehow, though, seeing Danny battling his addictions and vices at the same time as me made me see that we all fall back sometimes. And its okay to go back to wanting to die because deep down you know you can make it out.

Danny, oh our Danny. There's so much to say but I fear there simply isn't time. But he is alright, more than alright; for the first time in a very long time he's really doing well.

Sam, the ever quiet saint has piped up and become a huge strength for me. I have needed him so much and the many nights I have spent with my head in his arms dampening his shirt with my salty tears, he has not complain once. Instead he has lulled me into a calm.

The band itself struggled for a while without Ben, but they're still the up and comming rising British rock stars they always were. And they're well into the second album proccess - which if I do say so myself is amazing - hoping to come out later this year.

As I said the past two years of my life have been a rollercoaster that. would like to get off but along the way there has been so many twists and turns that have taken me past so many positive views that I'm nervous with apprehension of what to come.

But I know what is to come really.

So I guess the last thing to say is Cam is really -

"Are you ready?" Saskia asked as she waltzed into the small high ceilinged room, shimmering in her white flowing dress.

"Yes." I smiled as I took in her beauty.  "Are you? I is a big day, you know."

"I know. But I want this."

The hall was brimming with life; whispers and music crept through the large oak doors but as of yet we were forced to wait outside. A short scampering girl with innoncent golden locks clung to her mums leg.

"Doesn't mummy Saskia look beautiful?" I asked barely able to keep the smile off my face.

"She's perfect. I want to see daddy."

"You will in just a minute." I soothed her head.  "Alright Sask, I'm going to grab my seat, but best of luck. You're stunning." I brrathed holding onto her shoulders with firm approving hands.

I opened the creaking doors slightly and silence consumed the entire congregation as they turned to face me. 'She's ready' I mouthed and walked down the red carpetted runway. I found my seat on the front pew next to the one man I knew I had always loved.

Ben took my hand.

"I love you."

The organ began playing the well known song and in the beautiful autumn light Saskia stepped into the room staring at the man of her dreams seperated only by the aisle she was about to walk. She was beautiful, Cam was glamorous. And ber little girl, Penelope, was one of the sweetest things I had ever seen, Her eyes twinkling hazle matching the leaves outside.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...."

"Us next year hun." Ben whispered. And in the single moment I believe his sincerity.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now