I don't want this, baby, I just need it to carry on

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We stayed at the signing for another hour an half, until all the fans had slowly dispersed. Every once in a while Ben would search the crowd, looking for that girl, but she had gone. She never said her name, never wanted anything for herself, just wanted to help a guitarist. And a mental one at that. I don't think anyone was able to say they didn't admire her bravery, or just her personality, to me she was priceless and I think I needed her to come along and help him.

The crowd died and slowly the boys packed up their stuff, as well as the amount of small gifts they got off the fans, of which Sam again seemed to get the most of, probably because he was a little more innocent than the rest, and walked slowly back to the tour bus. It was now gone past 5, and knowing the boys they'd want to be hitting the town since there was no show tonight, meaning bus call would be later, and they had more time to get drunk and laid. That seemed to interest Cam quite a lot, though it really annoyed me. Cam, like Ben, was taken, but Cam, like possibly Ben, wasn't able to wait until he got back to his girlfriend, he needed some other girl to fuck most nights whilst he was away. None of the boys really seemed to care about it, it seemed it must be normal behaviour, but for me being a band member's partner it sucked, knowing you're waiting at home for him to return, turning down any (if you're lucky enough to get them) chances, whilst he's deliberately going out to get laid.

Back out of my ranting mood the boys and I got onto the bus, and I flopped straight into our bunk since my head was spinning and I hadn't had a good night sleep since Ben went downhill. The boys sat together and talked, I heard two chinks of metal bounce through the tour bus and the toilet flush. Then two sets of footsteps walking back... Danny must have done what the girl said, and brought Ben to watch. I smiled, unknowingly and unwillingly to myself in the darkened bunk. The talking continued reverberating off the walls from the other room, and soon the voices were slowly but surely getting louder and slightly slurred. They must have already hit the booze.

The front door slammed, shaking the bus, and everything feel into silence, at first I thought it might only be me left, but then I heard Ben's still slightly hollow but happier voice chirp “So, what are we going to be doing, Danny, Baby?” And I instantly realised I had my two best boys around me.

“Movie night sound cool to you?”

“Yeah, can we watch a Jim Carrey one though? He's amazing!”

“Or Tim Burton, okay I'll check what we've got, you go order a take away.”

The two of them walked in separate directions I assumed, and the heavier set of feet, which I guess to be Danny since he was never light footed, headed my way. He stopped at his bunk, which was directly opposite ours and pulled a DVD carrier from a compartment in him bunk, laying it on his bed. Watching him, I was surprised how organised it was, with them all in alphabetical order.

“Awh, it's a no go on Jim Carrey tonight, but we got Corpse Bride, or Nightmare Before Christmas, and two versions of Frankenweenie.” He spoke loud enough for Ben to hear in the other room, but the response was.

“Yes, the tour bus out side......” As he ordered the meal on the phone.

My curtain tugged open, and I just stared at the simple, rugged but friendly face of Danny.

“All right, Darling, you goin' to come out an' watch the film with us?” He asked, putting on his accent even further for a reason I am not clear on.

“You want me to?” I counter, because truthfully it felt like I'm invading.

“Course, you nut case, now come on.” He said, pulling me by the arm and practically dragging me to the back room where Ben is now stood.

“Pizza will be here in 30 minutes, dick doesn't believe we live on a tour bus, and he doesn't even know who I am. Shocking.” Ben mockingly pouts.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now