I Hope I Never See Your Faces Again

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Consciousness nipped at my hazy dream, lugging me back from my comforting thoughts to my harsh reality. The light glared over me as I lay tangled on a bench in some park. My head span as I resisted the urge to throw up. A pressure in my head made me feel as though it were to explode.

Tentatively, I attempted to sit up, which caused the pain to spread down my neck, stomach and legs. The smell of blood hung faintly around my nose. Licking my lips I tasted the distinctive taste of iron lining a welt where something had damaged them.

I rested my back against the arm of it, a cool unexplained chill rippled through my lower back and body. Slowly I glance over myself, seeing a leather jacket placed over my waist. Bare legs showing below it.

Fear and confusion flittered in my gut before sparking the rest of my being in to hysteria. I couldn't remember going to the park, who I'd been with, why I was here or much really since meeting the Horizon crew. Gingerly lifting the jacket from my legs I saw my jeans halfway down, ripped and unzipped, my underwear pulled down too with bruises plastering my pale skin.

Screams lingered in my throat, dizzying myself as I choked on emotion. This wasn't right. I don't know what happened at all. Tears burned at my face, breaking me down. My eyes stung and the act of crying killed my head. Nausea turned into real sickness as I threw my head to the side and splattered the floor next to me. Shaking, I reached towards my knees, reaching for my underwear and jeans but the sickness, once again, stopped me.

Sighing in a shaky broken breath I removed my phone, crying. "Thank god you're here. Please, come quick. I... I need someone right now. I'm in a park, there's a shop outside called texaco. I... No I'm not alright... Just don't tell anyone. They can't know." I howled down the phone throwing it to the ground. I tried to put myself up onto my feet, sapping every ounce of energy I have. I sank back on to the bench where I awoke.

Frozen to my seat I waited, holding my breath, biting back tears. My legs ached, feeling locked to the spot. My head dropped as tears slipped down my face, puddling on the bench.

Footsteps thudded behind me, jumping me out of my skin.

"Melissa, I came as soon as possible." Panted the red faced, slightly chubby Danny. I couldn't find words to say, instead I kept my head down. Shut off; mind in autopilot.

His arms hooked around my back, my heart beat freaking out. "Melissa, what's happened?.. Oh my god. Come here, you're so safe now. It's over." He whimpered, pain rising in his throat. He pulled my limp body to him, holding me close, soothing us both.

"We've got to go to the police about this."

"No! We can't. No one can know, promise me no one will know."

"Hun, James needs to know. We need to look after you."

"No, I need to pretend it never happened. No one is to know." I said evenly. There was no way in hell we could ruin the band like that. Visions of what happened flutter through my head, torturing me even more.

With what seems like hours of debating and hugging, Danny helped me to my feet, redressing me. He pulls off his jumper and hands it to me in trade for the jacket I awoke with. That one Danny had plans for. We were going to burn it. I held on to him, praying for strength to carry on. My mind filled with darkness, heavy yet empty at the same time.

Slowly we moved through the streets, pain searing through my joints, head hurting from the drugs. The tour bus was stationed ahead, rocking as people inside danced... Or fucked but given it was a group of straight guys; dancing was the best option. "Hey, Mel, they're all on the bus. Jordan is on there too. When he came back without you we were all a little confused." My skin crawled at his thought. "Walk in with me, I know it's hard. Hold me close and i will keep you safe." I had no choice but to agree with his plan. He held my arm as we mounted the steps, my stomach flipping, making me urge again as the door peeled open, everyone looking at me with concern. Bar Jordan with his childish smile.

"Shit, look at you, are you okay?" James ran to me.

"I'm fine, I'm just going to stay in the back room."

"I'll come with you." He pushed. But I ignored it.

"What happened after I left. You said you wanted space. What happened?" Jordan feigned shock.

"I think you damn well know." I spoke, trembling as I was lead to the back room.

Danny lay me down on the back couch, a worried James stood in the doorway, looking over me. 'What is wrong?' I heard him ask. Danny simply pointed in my direction before saying to me. 'Its okay. They're going now. He's not staying around here.'

And with that the door closed. Leaving me in a room with James staring worriedly over me.

"So, what happened? Bad hangover?" He queried.

"Lock the door and maybe I'll say." My whole body was in shock, not really wanting to say. I still didn't feel sad just empty, nothing, dead.

The door latch clicked in place as a round of cries screamed out from the other room...

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now