Cross my heart. I hope you die.

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The boys arrived 30 minutes ago and half the alcohol had already been sunken. Everyone had drank loads except Jordan. He sat with guys laughing and joking but keeping drinking down. I didn't really think much of it and when I was told he was trying to get clean from it I understood.

"Sorry, maybe we got off on the wrong foot, it had been an odd day. I'm Melissa."

"I'm Jordan. The keyboardist, sounds silly but you haven't seen what-"

"I got the point. Hey I'm taken though Hun. Anyway I'm sorry I shouted at you."

"I'm just kidding. Yeah but you're not with Ben apparently? And hey it's fine I'm sorry to piss you off."

"Oh please don't start this, the amount of times I've explained. Nah, I'm not. He's with a blonde bimbo and well I'm kinda with James."

"Really. That's sweet. If you ever get bored mind I'm right here."

"Cheers for the offer, don't think he'd take it so kind." I knocked my half empty glass against his filed with water. "You don't drink much, do you?" His eyes dropped to the glass in his hands.

"No, I'm quitting. I used to drink... A lot. And well one night I was home with my girlfriend, and I got really drunk. To push my demons away or something, and anyway she started screaming at me. Calling me all these horrible names. She had missed her period too so i thought I was going to be a dad. She called me useless and said she wished I'd jump off a cliff. I lost it and lashed out. I put my hand through the dry wall and that was it. She left. I don't even know if I've got a kid or not. I haven't heard since. I really love her, and I keep blaming myself for that night."

"Hey, that wasn't ever your fault. God that's terrible, so that's given you a reason to stop? Man you're so strong."

"I just figure if I clean myself up she might tell me if I got a kid or not. Even if she wants nothing to do with me after."

"That's so strong to say. I really am sorry for earlier you seem so amazing. Friends?"

"Friends." He sighed looking over to my drink I had nearly finished now "Ha, want me to get you another?" I nodded and he popped of. God why was James so angry with him?

By the time Jordan had gotten back Ben and James had joined our corner. "Oh, tough crowd." Jordan joked as he sat back down. We all knew what he was referring to and dropped our eyes to the floor. My new vodka and coke sat before me, and I was pretty stoked to start at it. Call me an alcoholic but screw it. I picked it up as the boys started talking about warped tour and instruments. I should have been interested but I couldn't help but daze off.

My mind moved on to a place I particularly liked. I imagined moving back into my house, but this time with James, where we'd lie in and watch films. We were a little older and had a mini James to feed. His brown eyes and dark hair matching his dad's perfectly. Where in years time he'd love his dads music. Even though dad was on tour a lot, and would be the popular guy in school. The one who never felt bad.

"Melissa?.." My eyes shot open, all three guys stared at me.


"You drank up all your drink. Jordan's getting you another. Are you... Okay? You look a little pale." Ben said, concern pouring from his voice and demeanour.

"I... I was just thinking. I'm a little light headed. After this ill go get some air." I tell them. Now that I come to think of it my head feels pretty swampy. God maybe I'm getting drunk easily tonight? My eyes felt like they were burning, building pressure from behind, but I just pushed on and received my new drink happily. It was odd how quickly this happened.

The music blared on as my head pounded. "So, Melissa, wanna dance?" The guys all asked, within seconds we were all moshing in the small room, shaking the bus drastically. But again, being a drunken girl like all others my moshing quickly became grinding on whoever was nearest. "So, favourite song from sempiternal?" Jordan yelled over the music.

"Hospital for souls... Easy."

"Yeah that ones amazing, and Oli's start gives me chills each time." He continued. I looked around the rest of his band hasn't spoken to me since the greeting, I wandered why Jordan was even bothering to. But at that point Lee raised his glass and nodded over to me. I pushed away and joined him.

"Hey darling."

"Hi. How's you then?"

"Bloody out of my mind, but great!" He slurred slightly.

"That's good!"

"Fuck this, we're doing spin the bottle!" Cam screamed, lifting an empty vodka bottle like it's an achievement. There was a bit of a groan about the lack of girls but when someone called it kissing Russian roulette everyone sat down. Up for the challenge and I was too out of it to disagree. Oli was the first to Spin... It landed on Danny. Oli's face physically dropped as he leaned in for the kiss. When they drew back, both awkward and disappointed, Ben pushed Danny aside. "What do you think you're doing, Worsnop, cheating on me?!" he asked. Giggles burst out all round.

Next was Sam's turn, which landed on Cam. Neither looked too impressed. Ben was next, watching Danny as he span it. It circled many times before slowing. I held my breath. It drew to a stop. Pointing right at me.

"Ooooh, this is going to be interesting." Someone joked.

"This game's shit!" James yelled standing up.

"Sit the fuck down, Cassells." I spoke and leant in, kissing Ben softly on his lips, finding our rhythm. I pulled back, smiling. As was he. That was perfect.

"Ugh, Ben for fuck sake! You've gone and made her want you. Why would you do that to her. You know you'll only hurt her!" James screamed. He really hated the thought of me leaving I guess.

"James, you don't understand why I'm smiling! I felt nothing! No spark. No anything any more!" I laughed, a grin pushing over my face. I was so happy to know I'm over him now, and best of all was to see Ben's face visibly fall. His face blush with fluster. Anyway the game continued and I ended up kissing Danny once (which was odd), Jordan 3 times, Oli twice, Matthew twice, Lee, James and Ben once.

"Shit, you okay?" Jordan asked, clearly the alcohol was effecting me more now.

"Yeah... Just fine. I'm going to get some air."

"I'll go." Piped Danny.

"Nah, it's cool I'll go with her. Got some things to talk to her about anyway." Jordan countered as I found my feet. He lead me slowly out the bus and around the block to get some fresh air. We found a bench near some trees away from the crowds and sat there. Just in time because by now my legs were growing weak.

"So, how's your head?" He asked.

"Foggy, very heavy. Why?"

"No reason, just wandering. You look ill."

"Well cheers for that, way to make me feel pretty. Wait... How did you know to ask about my head...." I questioned. My consciousness slipping slowly as light faded to blackness.

"I just knew how you were feeling. You got ill quick."

"Yeah it started.... It started after I drank the vodka and come you made me. What the fuck did you do?" Panic spread through me, making me want to through up. I put all my strength in my arms, trying to get myself up and away.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You can't go anywhere."

"What are you going to do? You're in daylight! Let me go!"

"I'm going to take what's mine... Besides we're in the city. People walk past couples doing stuff all the time. They aren't going to second guess."

"I'll scream. Bring them over!"

"I don't think you will. Aren't you nearly slipping anyway?" And with that the blackness engulfed my body. Paralysing me. Leaving me alone with Jordan. No one knew where to find me. I was stuck and his. This is the end of me.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now