And though you try you can't escape me.

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We'd only been at the club for an hour and James was already off his head after necking far too many pints. On the verge of passing out, we all knew someone would have to look after him and I'd be damned if it were me.

“You gonna get him?” I asked, shouting over the music to a still sober Sam, sat at the bar with a pint in his hand.

He flicked his head over to the slouching James 'Nah, he's a fully grown man, he can look after himself.' and began drinking again. I think everyone was giving James a bit of space again, scared he'd go off the wall with them or something, but for me I was just too hurt to even look at him.

Shaking my head, I pushed up from the seat and walked away from the alcohol. Tonight I wasn't about to let myself go once again, so I made my way to a shiny leather booth on the fair left side. The smell of smoke billowed around, causing me to stifle a cough. I slipped down onto the sticky leather and brought my knees up to my chest. I didn't care that I was alone, so instead I pulled out my phone, knowing full well there wouldn't be any messages.

It'd been 2 months since I last spoke to my mum, and god I missed that little puzzle piece of hatred, I missed having someone constantly putting me down. I guess she was the only thing I was certain to always have in my life, and even she had given up and left. Some kid I must have been. Drinking wearily through the thin straw that was drowning in the lemonade I bought earlier, I checked my twitter feed. Of course the amazing BryanStars had spammed it like usual, so as I scrolled through I didn't expect anything to catch my eye... I should have been more prepared.

@BenAFuckingA I'm so done with this. I gave you all I had to give, and in return you move on. If ever you really loved me, like you said you did, you'd still be holding on.

What the fuck was that all about? I furrowed my brows as I clicked on to the comments, ignoring everything that went on around me. What felt like thousands of girls replied with the basics of 'Oh, Baby, what's up? I love you!' which made me laugh. It must be hard on the guys in some respect; people act like they're going out with them all the time, and I know that's caused many issues in Ben's previous relationships. Delving a little deeper, partly through boredom, partly through curiosity, I started realising what was going on. James had obviously seen it and kicked up shit because just minutes after Ben posted it an argument between those two on comments had taken hold.

Sighing I threw my phone down, looking over at James once more, resisting the urge to roll my eyes dramatically. I couldn't make sense of any of it. Ben mentioned on stage that I was the girl he loved, even Cam said he still loved me, but the last time I saw him earlier he had his tongue down some girls throat with a bottle in his hand. And James... Don't even get me started, I can't even work out what's going on between us. Apparently he left me, and he certainly hasn't spoken to me since, but after the comments I just read I'm not so sure.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them tighter against myself as I cradled them, hoping that this way things would be simpler. I must have drifted off into my own little world because when my eyes finally lifted up from my knees I had company. Cam and Sam sat next to me, both looking over worriedly. Across from us were Ben, Danny and James. Danny in the middle supporting James and keeping them apart. Blood trickled over Ben's chin from his busted lip.

“Urm, does someone want to explain Ben's state?” I ask, fiddling with the black plastic straw.

“Well, you see, Ben may have posted something that rubbed James up the wrong way.” Cam spoke sending James a pitying look.

“Hey, don't blame it on me!” Ben interjected, spraying blood with his words.

“It's okay... I read it.” I mumbled quietly, but obviously loud enough because Ben's face dropped.

The guys seemed so awkward, and I really didn't know why.

“Guys, where did Oli go? I need to get some air and go for a smoke.” I asked, just trying to get away from the tension in the group.

“Of course, it's like you fucking love Oli. I bust Ben's lip just because I want you and all you care about is Oli.” James snarled, pushing against Danny's restraining arms.

“Not here, James. You're the one that dumped me, and is there really anything wrong about smoking with a friend, who's already in a relationship might I add.”

“Well you never spend any time with me! Do you!” He screamed, alcohol slurring his words.

“For god sake, James. I'm meant to be living at yours, but now I'm fucking homeless and you're wrecked. I can't really be having this conversation with you.” tears prickled my eyes from hurt. “So, Guys, does anyone know where Oli is?” I pleaded.

“He's out. With Hannah.” He sneered back, “And what are you going to do, gate crash?” I'd had enough, picking up my drink and phone I walked off, disappearing into the mass of people.

The music blared again and I downed my drink, pushing my glass to the side as I let my hair down. A couple drunk girls were in front of me, and within moments we were dancing together, not caring. Just jumping to the beat. Man, maybe I could get a circle pit going... wait stop it, you're in a club!

The girls stopped in their tracks, shrieking with delight, and yanking their already short dressed up a little to impress a man I couldn't even see. “Oh my, hey, I love you! You're so fit!” They kept yelling, pushing past me to get to him. A pair of hands dropped on to my shoulders. Fear startled me, too close, too scary. Nope, get the fuck off. I spun around to see him.

“Melissa, god sake, I was looking for you.” and exasperated Ben stood before me, he must have followed me. “We need to talk.”

“Yeah... we do.” I sigh, taking his wrist and pulling him from the crush of bodies, going to the other side of the room. Last thing I wanted is for James to see this.

Once tucked away on a couple corner stools away from the speakers I pulled out a cigarette. “Want a smoke?” I asked, bored.

“Since when did you smoke?” He laughed, looking me up and down.

“Since you fucked me over, eases the stress I guess.” Truth was I hadn't started smoking then, it was a couple weeks later, but only in private. I didn't want the guys to see I was slipping again, but it's too late for that now. Not that it matters anyway.

“Oh...” He sighed.

“Anyway, you said we needed to talk, so spill.”

The beat droned on as Ben's head lowered, immersing us into a deep, dark, awkward silence. I coughed to get his focus.

“Oh, yeah. Urm... well I was just talking to Danny about... well you know. James' is being a cunt to everyone, and my face proves that” He tried to smile but couldn't help but look away sadly. “Urm... Danny wants to know if you're staying his... Danny's, I mean. Because if James' is being angry maybe there isn't a good place. And you wouldn't want to come back with me.”

Now it was my turn to sigh, everything was just getting so complicated, I never wanted it to be like this between Ben and I. He looked so nervous to actually talk to me, so sad as well. Ugh, why does it all have to be so fucked up! “Ben, I know I've been a dick. Cam practically gave me this huge lecture earlier, I never thought about how it all made you feel. But, like right now I haven't a fucking clue what's going on.”

“He gave you a lecture?” He asked, almost as if he were guilty.

“Kind of. So, you dragged me over to talk about Danny's offer... I may be messed up, but I know you better than that Ben.” I reached out to take his hand, and experienced something I hadn't in a long time. Electric.

It buzzed through me with a shocking intensity. Instinctively, I pulled my hand back and dropped my eyes to the table, marvelling at what I felt.

“I wanted to say, well sorry I guess. I wanted to say I'm sorry. I messed up so badly with that other girl, and I just want you to know how much I regret it. Do you honestly think I wanted us to stop talking and stuff? Stop being the unit we always were? It hurts like hell.”

“Oh, Ben-”

“I still love you, Melissa, for god sake, I wish you could see, it's tearing me apart!” Tears spilled over his eyelids and splattered his cheek.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now