Chapter 18

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Hey so this is the double update so! I hope you enjoy it! I'm sorry it's a bit short

*Lacey's POV*

I allowed joe to drive us to the destination on the agreement that I would rest during the drive, take the medicine offered while they promised to drive and stop trying to stop me from doing what I knew I had to do.

The drive is silent while I lay in the bed resting slightly, wanting to close my eyes and forget all worries. I lay thinking about what could happen and what this may change for the boys.  I decide to check my phone to see if anything on their location has changed. That's when I get a notification from Twitter. It's a story I've been mentioned in.

Okay this is serious. Serious news.

As most of you should be aware the vamps have been abducted. Yes that's right on their way from the London show to their next venue the tourbus they were travelling on got ambushed.

It is unclear as of now what exactly happened. All that has been released so far is that the four boys were taken leaving the bus driver unharmed and Lacey keating.

Unfortunately, I can't say Lacey was left unharmed. It has come to our attention that she was rushed to hospital after the attack with major injuries. We've had no report or comment from anyone.

However, just two days after the attack Lacey Keating was seen walking from the hospital. Okay she was more like limping. It has been said from a nurse who treated Lacey that she was 'very injured and was instructed to stay in hospital. Lacey refused and was quite adamant on wanting to leave. She is not well enough to be out of the hospital care'

Wow! Badass. So after that short statement we had asked for a brief in her injuries and was surprised to have heard 'she has five broken rips. A badly dislocated wrist. A severe concussion, a  long and deep slash to her throat and she's covered in bruising, cuts and scrapes. '

We are deeply saddened to hear that not only our favourite band has been taken but our favourite up and coming singer Lacey had been so badly injured. We hope you recover soon and pray to find the boys. #findthevamps #getbetterlacey

I sigh at the article before closing my phone not wanting to see any comments about it.

' we are nearly there Lacey. Are you sure your up to this?'

'Yes I am sure, pull in just before we reach the house we don't really want them to know we are here.' I rise in my seat to slowly sit waiting for them to pull over.

It's not even five minutes before we are parked and I am out of the car. I slowly get a gun from the boot and add a silence onto the end of it not wanting her to know I was there until it was to late.

I turn to Joe as he stares at me uneasily 'I will be back in 20 minutes at most. If not call the police' he nods and I begin on my way up to the house

I hear footsteps behind me making me frown 'I'm coming with you Lacey'

I don't bother looking back only walking towards the house holding the gun in my right hand 'stay behind me. No matter what Brody'

It's the last thing I say before we reach the house, it looks like a little cottage and as I have a quick look around I see two cars in front of it. I kneel down and begin to pick the lock quietly. While knelt down I open the door and slowly rise to me feet

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