Chapter 26

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Hey lovelies, I hope you enjoy this... I'm really trying to make sure I don't just forget the ordeal Lacey has gone through so she will be struggling in the next few chapters- she won't be the strong and emotionless Lacey your are used to! I really hope you like it! Please give feed back and vote!

*third person*

Since that day in the hospital where they all witnessed Lacey break down and cry, they were scared to say the wrong thing, scared to look at her in the wrong way and terrified to even consider touching her.

When she finally got discharged she instantly locked herself away in her room. She never came out and only ever opened the door for food or Molly. She would speak sometimes- not often- but sometimes when one of the boys gave her, her food she would say thank you or that she loves them. However never has she spoken to Brad, never has she opened the door to him when he took her food. She completely withdrew from him.

It had been a month of the constant routine, the same misery that surrounded her. It had been a month and she still had physical scars, that wasn't the problem though no. The problem was the mental scars that's she found impossible to get over.

The boys were still on break refusing to start tour until she was hundred percent better. Luckily the fans understood, they had found out of the brutal attack and only wished for the best never pressuring the boys to tour until ready.

Today was different though. The boys didn't know but Molly did. Molly had been invited into Lacey's room - still not having got her full sight back or much at all. There were moments where she thought she could see light but she always figured she was wrong when it went away again.

Lacey and Molly both sat in silence- this they were used to. Lacey hands were shaking as she looked at Molly.

'Molly I er I need your help' her voice hesitant and scared

'Anything Lacey. What do you need?'

'Need you to kiss me' shock hit Molly at her words and honestly Lacey was shocked as well she didn't intend for that to come out

'Are you sure this will help?' Molly questioned forgetting that her and Connor were sort of kind of together

'I I hope so. I just need to try'

'Okay. Your going to have to guide me' Molly jokes but they both knew she meant it

Lacey lift her shaking hand to Molly's face placing it to her cheek and slowly guiding her forward as Lacey moved forward as well. They were both scared but Lacey needed to try.

Their lips brush together and Lacey jumps back slightly before she leans in and their lips finally touch. As soon as they do the images, the dirty hands and words go through her mind. She begins trembling and scrambles away from the touch. She begins screaming as she pull her self close together near the edge of the room.

It's seconds before all the boys are in the room wondering what had happened. Molly was softly crying and so Connor helped take her from the room. They then looked to Lacey when Brad signalled them to leave

He sits beside her keeping space between them as he slowly begins to hum the tube of the song he had been words on. Half way through the song is when she relaxes and slumps against him

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