Chapter 22

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So I am absolutely dreadful... I am so sorry I haven't updated like I should. I do promise that there will be a double update this week to make up for it!!!! So this is a pretty big chapter... Hope you like it. A lot happens please vote share and comment

*Lacey's POV*

I was exhausted. Barely able to keep my eyes open and focus on anything. My body broken , bruised, bloody and sore.  Mentally I couldn't even comprehend everything that had happened in the last few days I had been here. I didn't really want to as I don't think I could survive the torment of memories that I held of the last few days.

I shifted a little as I hung from the ceiling. My hands going numb at the length of time I had been hanging here.

My back burned with each movement and with the stretch from hanging here because of the whipping I had got from his belt for my words.

I finally breath out a huff and look over to see Molly say looking down at her finger although we both knew her vision wasn't back yet. My heart aches as I look over her body. She was bruised and beaten but for most part okay.

'Molly, have you still got that thing I gave you?'

Her head lifts to the direction of my voice but she looks past me. My heart clenches. 'Y-yes it's here' she holds it up making me smile

'Can you follow my voice and bring it to me? Do you think you could?'

'I er could try' she slowly moves from the bed. Her feet touching the floor and standing to her full height. I begin to softly speak directing her towards me and warning when there was something. That could trip her or was in her way.

She makes it slowly and steady before standing in front of me. Raising her hand up that's holding the spike. She a little too far to the left but I don't have the heart to tell her

I use the last remaining strength I have to pull on the chains and lifting my self up causing my arms to come down. I am just about to reach the spike. My finger tips touch it but I hear the door handle jingle. My eyes widen and desperately try to grab the spike from Molly. I'm about to grab it when the door opens.

It causes my hand to knock the spike and my strength to go. I fall back down. The chains snapping at my wrist. A scream leaving my lips at the jolt to my body.

I feel Molly nuzzle close to me in fear as she has no idea who it is and as my eyes are clenched shut in pain I didn't either.

That is until I hear gasps and a quiet 'l-Lacey?' My body sacks in relief as I recognise the voice. My Lucy. She had come back.

I feel hands at my body and the chain slacking allowing my body to slowly lower to the floor. I am laid on the floor as the chain locks around my wrists are taken off.

My eyes flutter to see James beside me looking horrified I raise an hand to his face cupping his cheek 'I'm okay. It's not as bad as it looks' I chuckle to make him feel better but it doesn't work at all

I see Connor approach Molly 'Molly Connor is coming to you okay. It's okay he's going to help you' she nods and the boys look confused but understand when they see her eyes.

'We have to get out of her we have no idea as to when Charles will come' I hear Lucy's voice loud and clear but before anyone can say a thing

Not what it seemsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora