Azure 47

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I scram out of the bed and keenly observed my surrounding when I remember the events of last night. My heartbeat pace more rapidly when I realized I am in an unfamiliar room. I remembered those voices after the fight, the feeling of dizziness from the poison and nothing more. I massaged my temple roughly while trying to commit to memory anything that could possibly explain why I am here. When I sense footsteps nearing my eyes hastily scan the whole room for viable weapon. When I found none I opted for the coin-like display in the wall.

As soon as the door is slightly ajar the first metal on my hand flew towards whoever is on the door. "What the hell!" He was fast enough to close the door back so the metal was now stuck on the wooden door. "I don't mean harm okay." Somehow I knew I've heard that voice before so I calm down a little.

"You?" Left my lips when I saw his face.

"Yup! Me." It was Isaiah, Sadie's friend. Suspicion stills lingers on my mind though I kind of drop my defenses down. If I remember it right he said he was not an enemy.

"Why am I here?" My eyes trailed on the close door. If anything goes wrong that door is my only escape since I'd just found out earlier that the windows were locked.

"What? Wala man lang thank you? I saved you from those assholes you know." He huffed before he occupied the couch. Yup whoever owns this house is some rich bastard. When I said nothing and just looked at him with prying eyes he raised his hands in a form of surrender. "Okay. He said I should bring you here. Don't worry no one knows about Azure Adams being a gangster."

"Who's he?"

"Me." What? I didn't sense his presence.

"Fierro." I stood straight my vigilant eyes is back. I already expected that I am somewhere in the north but I've never seen this one coming. Not once did I picture myself being in his turf.

"Only the two of us know." He said when he saw the serious expression on my face. "How are you feeling?" Still I said nothing. "Are you hungry? The food is ready do you want to eat here? I'll just ask someone to deliver the foods upstairs."

I heard a stifle from Isaiah but Fierro eyed him dangerously and he instantly shut up. "No. I want to go home." I lied but my traitor of a stomach growled enough for the three of us to hear. I felt myself blush. I've never been this embarrassed my whole life. I throw another coined metal at Isaiah's direction when he laughed.

"Shit! You could have killed me." He bellowed but I just rolled my eyes on him and averted my gaze back to Fierro who immediately tried to hide that small curved on his lips.

"I'll just call the maids for—"

"No. I'll go down." I cut him off. I'm not some VIP guest here. In fact I'm their enemy.

After about half an hour of awkward breakfast with Isaiah and Fierro with maids standing beside the dining table observing in case we need anything we are now in his garage or more like collection of expensive cars. Like seriously though, are gangsters these rich? "Are you really that eager to leave?"

Azure: The Retired AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now