Chapter 25~Leaving

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Funerals were never my favourite thing. I hardly believe they're anybody's favourite thing. They are hard, sad, and depressing times. Especially when one of your own has died. Time feels still and you wonder if you cry hard enough, would you lose all the water in your body and end up dead too? That's what I was wondering as his coffin was lowered into the ground; never to be seen again. I had already presented his eulogy, and so did Alex.

"Honey, it's going to be okay," my dad tries to soothe me.

"No it won't," I sob. The hole with the coffin was now filled up with dirt. That was the last time I would ever see him; my big brother. I looked around the graveyard and stared at the people surrounding his grave.

There were his parents, crying and wiping away tears. The football team and most of the school; including teachers. There was the jerks in black suits with their heads down. There was Tristan and Lucy. Lucy was crying uncontrollably, as was I, and Tristan had tears in his eyes. Last but not least, there was Alex. His sad, depressed face made it harder for me to stop crying. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug as he started to cry.

Never in a million years would I have thought one of my closest friends would have died before they even turned 20. He shouldn't have. No matter who says what, I will always blame myself; but I know he'd want me to move on, and I will, some how.

We all got into our separate cars and drove off home. I went straight to my room, not wanting to talk to anyone. I made sure my curtains were closed so Justin and the rest of the jerks wouldn't try to talk to me. I changed out of my black, lace, knee high, dress and got into some comfortable sweats and tank top. I sat on my bed and stared at the picture of me and him when we were in our junior year.

"God. I can't even say your name," I whisper.

I haven't talked to Tristan, Lucy or the jerks ever since that day. It was 3 weeks ago. The only 2 people I've talk to was Dylan, cause I know he had no idea about the affair, and Alex. It's not like the others haven't tried, I just ignore them, and eventually they get the hint.

I laid down and enjoyed the slow, classical music that played in my room. I know what I have to do, and I have to tell my dad and Tammy before it's to late. I got up and walked out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen where I knew they'd be.

"Dad? Tammy?" I say.

"Yes sweetie?" my dad says from the kitchen. I go in there and see them sitting at the table with food. There was a plate of food for me too.

"We have to talk," I say and took the seat.

"Alright. What about?" Tammy says.

I sigh and look into their eyes.

"I'm leaving," I state.

"What?" they say at the same time.

"Honey, the boys are leaving in 2 days! There's no need for you to leave!" my dad reasons.

"No dad. I need to leave. It's not just because of...Zayn," I choke on his name.

"Then what is it?" Tammy asks.

"Look, I don't feel comfortable sharing, all I can say is that it involves Tristan, Lucy and Justin," I mumble.

"Where will you go? They are all going back to San Fransisco," my dad says.

I sigh and look down. I can't believe I'm about to tell them where I'm going.

"Italy," I whisper.

"WHAT?" they both yell.

"Uncle Jared said he'd take care of me! And his fiancé is the principal of this boarding school called St. Mussolini! It's perfectly safe. Ella went there!" I reason.

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