OC #6

68 1 2

Name:  Agapí
(Seen) Age: 14
(Actual) Age: 140,000
Where did I come from: the clouds
Looks: she has a black wing on her left side and a white wing on her right. The left side of her hair is white while the right black. She has a golden eye and a blood red eye. She wears a simple grey cotton dress with a black and white pendant sown into it. When the pendant in touched the clothes turn into armor.
Personality: she is a kind and caring soul and is deathly loyal to her friends. She has looked death in the eye many times usually while making a sassy comment.
Powers; light and dark.
Relatives: none
Background: her father was a demon and her mother was an angle. She lived on the streets her whole life after being disowned.

My OC book. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz