Marvel OC #12

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Name: Samirah "Mirah" Wilson (Parker)

Age: 14

Gender: female

Family: Richard Parker and Mary Parker, but she was put up for adoption and lives with Jack Wilson and Nora Wilson. She is the twin sister of Peter Parker

Sexuality: straight

Appearance: Samirah is shortish, standing at 5'0. With abnormally long and thin legs and arms. Mirah has short brown hair that is styled similar to the image bellow,

She has a thin upper lip with a slightly thicker bottom lip, both lips are long, but not overly so

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She has a thin upper lip with a slightly thicker bottom lip, both lips are long, but not overly so. She has small ovular ears and a longish nose with a stubby tip, wide nostrils and a (I believe) Roman bridge, where it curves up and then back down where it connects between her eyes. Mirah has small hands and feet with tanned skin and a thin, lithe frame. Her eyes are a chocolate brown with flecks of amber in it.

Personality: Samirah tries to see everything in a positive outlook and loves to go outside. She's kind, smart, and witty. Mirah wants to help people as much as possible, and doesn't really care what people say about her.

Powers: she technically doesn't have any powers, but her pupils are abnormally large and allow her to see almost perfectly at night on a full moon, and see we'll enough with no moon to get around. But because of this, sun light is physically painful to her eyes.

Backstory: Samirah was put up for adoption at birth, because her birth parents knew they couldn't care for two babies at once. She was adopted at ten months old and now lives with Jack and Nora Wilson. Mirah was born with Asthma, because of this, she was more aware of all the hardships of life but attempted to keep a positive outlook on things. She became a vigilante to try and help people. Sam learned how to engineer stuff and makes her own gear. She is known as the Angel for the metal wings she has.


Wings: (similar to bellow, except it's different shades of grey. Only the blue circle in the middle stays the same color.)

There are five large feathers on the end instead of three, one above the biggest one and one bellow

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There are five large feathers on the end instead of three, one above the biggest one and one bellow. There is also more clear light blue materials, they fold up when held in dormant form. The light blue part is actually made of aerogel, and is covered in barely an inch layer of diamond. She made the diamonds by finding a way to apply enough pressure and heat to led. When in compact form, the wings fold up, almost flat against her back. The wings are held on by a harness, and has thin metal plating that covers a two inch layer of aerogel goes up her spin and ends at the base of her skull. There are wires in the aerogel that read the electric pulses in her brains that makes her wings move. It took her a couple months to figure out how to use them the end of the feathers are sharp and coated in a thin layer of diamond, so it's almost unbreakable and incredibly sharp. Most of the wings are made of aerogel, coated in an inch layer of diamond  

Vigilante Outfit: she wears an outfit like the one bellow,

Vigilante Outfit: she wears an outfit like the one bellow,

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Except with this mask

Her mouth it covered by a bottom mask that is part of the jumpsuit

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Her mouth it covered by a bottom mask that is part of the jumpsuit. The mask/mouth thingy hooks onto the helmet so it doesn't fall and has a built in inhaler that she can use by biting down on it. Because the inhaler I'm in her mouth constantly, it also changes the pitch and tone of her voice enough to not be recognizable. The metal spine platings that are attached to her wings are under the suit.

Mirah has two guns in each hip, and they look like this:

She also had another gun hidden on her back that shoots out pellets powdery pepper spray that explode into a cloud upon impact and cover a 3

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She also had another gun hidden on her back that shoots out pellets powdery pepper spray that explode into a cloud upon impact and cover a 3.5 ft. radius in pepper spray.

Her jumpsuit is also taser proof, and she has a bullet proof vest on. She also has bear claws in her gloves that can slide out and be used to climb, or to fight,

 She also has bear claws in her gloves that can slide out and be used to climb, or to fight,

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

(Similar to the image above except they can slide in) 

My OC book. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz