The New Couple

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'Oh. my. god.' I thought to myself, 'wait why am i thinking i already know the answer'

I smiled at him and said "It's about damn time."  I said. Jacob looked at me confused.

"Oh I'm sorry I ment yes." He smiled at me and I smiled back, and he gave me a hug.

He was about to kiss me again but my phone started singing 'Hold on We're Going Home' by Drake. I knew it was K'hrystel because that's my ringtone for her.

"I gotta get that before she starts blowing up my phone."

"Ok but hurry up and take a bath it's a school night and your mom said you have to be on bed by 10 it's 9:31."

"Oh so your I'm babysitter mode now." We both laughed. Then he went to go watch tv and i checked my message from K'hrystel.

|Text Convo|

K'hrystel: whazzup!!¡¡

YN: hey

K'hrystel: ok whats up wit u

YN: what do u mean o_0

K'hrystel: u usually u say whats up girly unless somethings up with u so whats up

YN: nothin its just that .........................................................


K'hrystel: OMG u got yo man now

YN: yep

K'hrystel: now that u wit him do u think you can ask him to hook me and Chresanto up


K'hrystel: yea girl he all cute wit his lil curls and swag and THEM LIPS DOE

YN: lol u so crazy but yea i guess buy i got to get ready for school see you 2morrow

K'hrystel: kk bye luv ya :*

YN: :*

|End of Text Convo|

I went to go take a bath then cuddled up pn the couch with Jacob and eventually fell asleep in his arms.

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