Watch Ya Back

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"Ray you so stupid." I said laughing.

Me,Lauren, K'hrystel, Jacob,Chres, and Craig were on the bus dieing of laughter because ray just told us the story where he called the police because he lost his bag of skittles.

"I'm serious i wanted my skittles and i was about cuss the police officer out cause he wouldn't help me find my skittles." Ray said seriously.

"Hold up," Craig said trying to catch his breath from laughing.

"You did all that for a pack of skittles when you could of went to the store and got more."

"I wasn't about to waste my money on another pack, yall just don't understand black people like me." Ray said then he turned around in seat and pouted.

"We're sorry for laughing at you Ray, you can finish your now." I said trying to make a serious face.

"Ok, so after the police left guess where i found them."

"Where?" Chres asked.

"In the refrigerator next to my Gatorade." We all tried not to laugh. We all looked at each other and started bust out laughing.

When me and Jacob got to the house, there was a note taped to the outside of the door. Jacob took it off and read it in the house and it said:

Dear Jacob,

Yo lil Mexican ass thought you could get away wit shit well not in my house you betta watch yo back every second cause anything can happen any time any place and YN you betta watch out cause im comin for you too you will be mine again as soon as i get rid of yo lil boyfriend so best wishes to both of  yall bitches PEACE



"Calm down Jake he probaly got out plus he's not going to do anything, he used to threatened me all the time but never did anything."

"Are you sure cause this sounds pretty real to me."

"I'm positive he just wants us to be scared." "Alright, but i'm still keeping a eye out on him."

"Ok, now come help me with my homework."


"Cause your my babysitter."

"Thats not a good reason."

"How bout this, if you help me with my homework," I kissed on his lips him lightly. "we can have a make out session."

"You promise." I bit my lip and nodded.

"Ok, but if you break that promise ill get you back."

"Come on carne mechada."

"You know you just called me a meatloaf."

"I did, oh i thought i said sexy."

"Sexy is just sexy no change."

"Oh but anyways come on."

The Babysitter (Princeton) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن