My New Friend??

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Lyrics Of The Day:

They ask me what I do and who I do it for and how I come up with this shit up in the studio all I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe

~2 Chainzzzzzz

ENJOY!!! :)

Travon Pov {A.N yea i know him again but I think you'll be very interested in his Pov}

     I was sitting in my jail cell. Yea I got arrested. Why? Caught selling weed. I know your not surprised you shouldn't be cause J jusy roll like that.

I asked the guard that was guarding my cell if I could make a call. He said I only had 15 minutes. Good enough for me. He led me to the phone and I called my cousin Diggy.

Diggy: Hello?

Travon: yo diggs it's me Travon

Diggy: did yo ass get put back in jail

Travon: maybe. . . .

Diggy:*smh* what do you want

Travon: I want you to go to the mall and find a girl named YN and try to become her best friend

Diggy: why

Travon: Cause I said so dammit!!

Diggy: find I'll do it but you owe me

Travon: what dk you want

Diggy: you have to get me some strippers on my birthday ;)

Travon: -__- fine ill do it but you have to do what I said first

Diggy: ight

Guard: sir you got 1 more minute

Travon: ok I got to go I'll call you in a week to check up on yo progress it a d tell you what else to do

Diggy: ook bye

Travon: bye

I hung up the phone and the guard hand cuffed me and walked me back to my cell. I hope this plan works.

YN Pov

It's been 3 weeks since we see the boys thsey need to hurry up and come back. I miss cuddling up with my little Princey Bear. Don't judge me on how stupid that sounds. But me, Aaliyah, and Natajae are at the mall shopping for Aaliyah cause Princeton sent her some money and she wanted to spend it on clothes. Oh by the way me and the girls started calling the boy's by their stage names.

Aaliyah: Oooh oooh can we go to Toys R Us

YN: sure why not I need to get Kilo a new doll cause she broke her new one

Natajae: damn she got that thing last week what the hell

YN: remember she's only 1 month and watch the language we have a child

Natajae: oops my bad sorry Aaliyah

Aaliyah: it's cool

We walked into Toys R Us and got a cart I got Kiloni a LaLa Loopsy doll Aaliyah got one too and some barbie dolls and she got some of those fake food toys for her set back at home.

Aaliyah: I'm hungryyyyyyyyy

She whined when we came out Toys R Us.

YN: you want Mcdonald's or Subway

Aaliyah: SUBWAY!!

We went to Subway and I got Aaliyah a kids meal and I got a Meatball sub and Natajae got a salad cause she's on a "Diet".

The Babysitter (Princeton) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora