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Lyrics Of The Day:

Mani you remind me something , but I don't know what it is cause you remind me of something

~ Chris Brown

€Princeton Pov€


£His House£

I got out the car and walked up my porch and unlocked the front door to my house. As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by my precious little sister, Aaliyah. Ahhh the perfect thing to lighten my day. I picked her up and kissed her on the forehead.

Prince: what's up baby girl

Aaliyah: nothing, I just wanted to know if YN could come over and play with me


Prince: I think YN isn't going to be around anymore

Aaliyah: why not :(

Prince: she moved away

Aaliyah: really :'(

Prince: yea


I walked to the kitchen to see my mom cooking tacos. YES!!

Prince: what's up ma

Mom: first welcome back, second I'm making tacos how about you invite YN for dinner

Prince: mom, YN won't be coming around here anymore but I would happily invite Ray because he loves tacos

Mom: what happen with you two

Prince: we kind of aren't .......together anymore

Mom: awww I liked her…………but I guess Ray can come over

Prince: YES!!!!

Mom: BUT!! if that boy eats all my tacos I will be going carzy

Prince: I don't know if that's a possibility but I'll talk to him about it

I walked upstairs and pulled out my phone and called Ray.

|Phone Convo|

Ray: Taco man here

Prince: it's a good thing that you mentioned tacos cause we're having tacos tonight and my mom said you could come over

Ray: YESSS!!!!!!!!!

Prince: but you can't eat all the tacos

Ray: awwww

Prince: (chuckles) sorry mothers orders

Ray: you should invite YN

Prince: why should I she's a hoe and hoe's aren't invited

Ray: don't say that cause you don't what happen

Prince: and you do?

Ray: yea and you don't understa-

Prince: don't tell me I don't understand cause I know what happen she cheated on me with another dude cause she didn't love me

Ray: she does love you

Prince: think about it if she loved me why would she go out and cheat on me

Ray: think about this put yourself in her shoes if you cheated on her with another girl would you want her to forgive you and if you really loved her you would forgive her

Ray hung up the phone and had me thinking……… would I?

YN Pov™


≈Her House≈

Lauren: wow...all that happened, you got a fucked up life

YN: yea and now I don't even want to see his face

Lauren: I'll be right back don't lock the door

YN: where are you going

Lauren: just wait till I come back

*15 minutes*


YN: (opens door) damn hitch you anit had to yell

Lauren: (hands YN a box) here take this

YN: what's this

Lauren: a pregnancy test you need to take it

YN: really

Lauren: yes really this is serious you said he didn't use protection

YN: your right Imma go take it

*10 minutes*

Lauren: well what does it say


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