Me and You

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I don't want another pretty face I don't just want anyone to hold I don't my love to go to waste I just want you and your beautiful soul

~Jesse McCartney

* 2 Weeks Later *

Craig POV

Hey everybody I'm sure you weren't expecting my POV but please don't leave me I'm lonely. I mad because I found out that everyone is hooking up. Jake and YN go out, Lauren and Ray go out and Chres and K'hrystel just hooked up 2 days ago. I'm just sitting here with no one but a 5 year old while everyone is out on a date. -__- I mean I'm gorgeous right why can't I get a girlfriend. But anyways I'm sure you don't want to hear about my social life, you probably want to here what adorable little Aaliyah is up to. Well she's watching re-runs of All That.

{A.N. I ♥ that show}

"Craig?" Aaliyah asked me.

"What's up lil one." I responded.

"Can we go to the park."

" Sure come on."

I turn off the tv and took her up to her room to put on her shoes and came back down the stairs. We walked since it was only 2 blocks away. When we were half way there I decided to stop at Dollar General.

"Aaliyah you want anything."

"Oooh Oooh M&M's M&M's." She just like her brother, smh.

"You want anything to drink?"

"Coke." I got her some M&M's and a coke and got me some Resse's and a Sprite. When we got to the register I saw this beautiful girl. Wow ironic much. I was staring at her and she noticed and started blushing. Yea I have that effect on girls. I decided to put some of my Craig Crippen Jr. magic on her. I walked to the counter and smiled at her.

"What's up, you know uh,*seductive laugh * if I were a stop light I would turn red every time you pass by just so I could stare at you longer."

She giggled "If your trying to impress me your going to have to try better than that, and your total is $5.38." I gave her the money.

"Well if that doesn't work how bout I give you my number." She smiled and said ok then gave me her phone. I entered my name as 'Future Boo'. I walked away put I turned around to ask her a question.

"Hey I didn't catch your name." I asked her.

"Natajae or Jae."

"I'm Craig." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you Craig." I smiled and turned around and walked to the park with Aaliyah.

Jacob POV

Oh hello there I'm sure your wondering what me and yn are up to well right now we're walking on the beach. Ever since I got out the hospital me and yn have been really close and I like that cause we're getting as close as me and Jadah were. Hopefully I won't loose yn like I did Jadah.

* 15 minutes later *

We are now going to Applebee's. When we got there you won't believe who our waitress was. "Well well well I never thought I'd see Travon have a actual job." I said.

"Afro puff?, I thought you got shot shouldn't you be up there." He asked.

"Nope I survived the bullet."

"Greeeaaaat." He said sarcastically.

"For a drink I will have sweet tea please." I said. He wrote it down then left.

"Wait," I yelled at him. He came back.


"You didn't take the lady's drink."

"I already know what she wants a (your favorite drink) she always gets it, right yn." YN looked at him with frightened eyes and nodded yes. He walked and she sighed in relief.

"YN don't be scared of him because I got you." She smiled and nodded. But a question kept going through my head, how did Travon know I got shot.

Chresanto POV

Chres: Damn Adrianna why you puttin my government name out like dat you don't know who could be after me

Adri: Nigga shut and just tell your POV before i go to Ray's Pov

Chres: no not until you stop puttin my government name out like that


Chres: you know what if you put government name out again ima jump out this book an-

Ray's POV

Ray: LOL Adrianna you wrong for that

Adri: I don't care he need to know that I'm the author of this book and I can put his Government name out if I want to

Ray: ok but I'll holla at you later I got to tell the story

Adri: see this is why I like you, you stay focus and don't argue with me you are officially on my like list

Ray: awww luv u

Adri: Luv you to now go on with the story

LOL Adrianna is a trip, but anyways right now me and Lauren are at the carnival.

"Lauren let me do something romantic." I said to her.

"And that would be?"

"Let me win you a stuffed animal."

"Ok from what game." I looked around a spotted the ballon game. You know the one where water shoot the water out the gun and you have to pop the balloon.

"The balloon game."

"Ok." We walked over to the game and I won.

"YES!!!, what animal you want baby."

"I want...........................the giant panda." The man gave me the panda and I gave it to her.

"Where you want to go to eat." I asked Lauren as we walked to my car.

"How bout Checkers."

"Ok but when we get home I got something for you."

Hey guys I know this chapter was boring but I only updated cause I was bored also for your Chres lovers sorry I cut him out he was just getting annoying

Chres: oh I'm annoying and your not

You know what I was going to give you a POV in the next chapter but you can forget about it now

Chres: No no no Im sorry Im sorry

Yea you betta be but bye guys i got to knock somebody out *glares at Chres *

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