Nothing Better Than Friends

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Lyrics Of The Day:

It's not even my birthday (my birthday) but he want to lick the icing off (icing off) I know he want it in the worst way (worst way) he can't wait to blow my candles out (candles out) he want that cake cake cake cake cake cake cake

~ Rihanna

YN Pov



I woke up really happy because today everyone is meeting up at Craig's house to go swimming and just hang out before we have to go to school tomorrow. I was lonely since my mom and dad went to work. I got up and went to my dresser and pulled out my green and black bathing suit and my black shorts.

I took a shower and put on my clothes then went downstairs to the kitchen to eat. When I got to the kitchen my mom left me a note.

Dear YN,

Me and your dad left for work there is some breakfast in the microwave and there is some money for you on top of the refrigerator there should be $200. Jacob should be there. Love you and be safe.

~ Mom


I chuckled to myself knowing my dad wrote that. I looked on top of the refrigerator and got the money, then went to the microwave and saw pancakes, sausage, and eggs. I warmed it up and ate. After I ate my phone lighted up indicating that I had a I text message. I check it and it was a message from Jacob saying he was outside.

I went to the door and opened it to see Jacob and Aaliyah.

"Hey YN." Aaliyah said.

"What's up lil one." I said back.

"Hey baby." Jacob said giving me a kiss.

"Hey." He stepped back and looked at me.

"And may I say you looking mighty fine in that bathing suit." He said licking his lips.

"You like what you see papi." I said turning around.

"Let's go before you end up with no bathing suit on." He said. I smirked then went upstairs and put on my shoes and got my towel.

We drove to Craig's house and knocked on the door. Ray opened it.

"Aayyee what's up we were waiting on you guys."

He gave Jacob a dap, gave me a hug then picked up Aaliyah a tickled her. Ray, Chres, and Craig spoil Aaliyah. ALOT. We cane in and the whole gang was there, even Jae. Chres said ge had something to say so we sat down so he could talk.

"Ok guys remember that day yesterday when we went to YN's show," Everyone nodded.

"Well before we left there was a flier for auditions for Streamline Records." He said.

"Ok, what does that have to do with us." Lauren asked.

"Oh I wasn't talking about the girls I was talking about the guys." He said.

"Wait wait wait and wait," K'hrystel said while standing up. "You guys sing?" K'hrystel said.

"and dance." Jacob said.

"and rap." Ray said.

K'hrystel bust out laughing. "Yea and I'm Beyonce."

"So you think we don't have what it takes." Chres said.

"You guys are cute I'm not gonna lie, but I don't really think you can dance, sing, and rap, the only person that can do that is YN."

"Ok Miss. ThinkYouKnowItAll, we'll prove it to you just follow us." Ray said.

Everyone got up and followed them to the basement and Craig went to the speakers and played a beat that was tight and they got in the middle and started singing a song and doing a choreography.

{A.N. The did My Girl}

After they did it we clapped and hugged them.

"What do you have to say now K'hrystel." Craig said.

"Ok m, I have to admit that was really tight and you guys have a chance."

"Ok I have one thing to say." I said

"What?" Jacob asked.

"You guys have to teach me that choreography."

"After we go hit the pool." Ray yelled.

We all cheered then went to the pool.

I had to stay in the 3ft because I was teaching Aaliyah and Ray how to swim. It was funny cause Ray kept splashing Aaliyah then shr would smack him upside his head.

After we got out the pool we took showers then went to the mall and then had a sleepover at Craig's house.

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