Hold On We're Going Home

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Lyrics Of The Day:

I got my eyes on you, your everything that I see, I want your high love and emotion endlessly,   I can't get over you, your everything that I see, you left your mark on me, I want your high love and emotion endlessly


ºYn Povº


Yn: Ok ok damn... impatient ass

He slapped me.

Travon: don't you disrespect me like that

I turned around and rolled my eyes. As you can see Travon is really treating me like trash. See, I thought they were joking around with the whole slave thing but apparently not. It's been 3 weeks and nobody has come to save me or nothing. I tried calling and texing somebody but Travon caught me using it so he took it away from me. So now I'm mad cause 1. no one has came and got me and 2 Travon and Breuanna are getting on my last damn nerves. They haven't really beaten me because of the baby, the only thing they've did is slapped me or punch me in the face. It's really annoying here but I'm just impatiently waiting on my dear friends to come and save me.

\Prince Pov\

I know what your thinking, why haven't I gone and recused Yn. Well I didn't forget, it's just that when we were our way to save her Keshia called us and said that we needed to do a couple of interviews and M&G's. So we were busy for 3 weeks. But tonight I'm going to get her no matter what, I miss her and I am determined to get het back. It feels like our break up all over again and it's not a good feeling. It's 7:42 sooo I should probably start getting ready.

I walked upstairs to my room and pulled out my clothes. I walked in my bathroom and stripped all my clothes off, and hopped in the shower. About 15 minutes I got out and dried off and put on my clothes. I had on a black wife beater, a black leather jacket, black pants, black high top converse, and a black bandanna wrapped around my head. I was tying my shoes when the doorbell rung. I finished tying my shoe real quick and walked downstairs and answered the door. It was the girls and the guys, they seemed happy for some reason.  I let them in. They sat a the table in the kitchen.

Prince: sooo why are y'all so happy

Ray: no reason I'm just really excited to finally see my sister

Prodigy: well then what are we waiting on lets goooo

We all walked outside into the car. K'hrystel gave us the directions and we were off.


When we got there, it was a whole bunch of guards on the outside.

Roc: ok so me and Ray will get rid of the guards and then we'll give you guys the signal to come after we're finished.

Everyone nodded then Roc and Ray got out the car. They snuck up behind all the guards and shot them, then after  they shot all of them they gave us the signal and we got out the car and walked in the building.

Ray: ok we're going to split into couples every boy with their girl and prince you'll just go solo

We nodded our heads and spitted up.

÷Ray Pov÷

Me and Lauren walked around the place kicking doors down and holding our guns up. I mean damn how many door in here.

Ray: I don't thin-

Lauren: shhh do you hear that

Ray: hear what

Lauren: just be quiet

We both were quiet and I started hearing faint crying. We followed the noise. We opened the door and there was Yn on the floor crying. 

Ray: Yn.

She held her head up and smiled when she saw us.


She jumped up and hugged us both.

Yn: what are you guys doing here

Ray: what do you mean. we cane here to rescue you

Yn: well what are we waiting on let's go

We started walking to the door but it closed on it's own. I ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

Lauren: what the hell

??: thought you could run

Yn: Breuanna?

Bre: yeah

Lauren: oh my gosh...bitch why can't you go somewhere

Bre: because I want to beat your asses soooo bad

Ray: well then show your self. .cause a nigga ready to throw some hands

Bre: then turn around

We all turned around and there was Bre standing. Yn started charging towards her, but me and Lauren held her back.

Lauren: Yn, stop you can't beat her

Yn: why not!!

Ray: your pregnant

Yn: whateva

Ray: Bre why are you doing this

Bre: because I want that creature *points to Yn* to be gone


Bre: I'm callin you a creature cause I don't know what you are


Lauren: Yn calm down..that's to much stress for the baby

Yn: your right..*moves hand over face, and closes eyes* let me calm down

Bre: since you brought back up.. I brought some to

She snapped her fingers and 7 buff guys came from behind her while pointing guns at us.

Bre: go ahead and say your last words

I looked at Yn and Lauren and they looked terrified. 

Ray: the last thing I have to say is..I have a surprise for you too

I waited a second.


I waited some more.


Then the rest of the gang and the police came in with guns.

Ray: Now what do you have to say


Her and the guys tried to run away but the police caught them and hand cuffed them. They took them out to the car. After they left we all looked at Yn.

Yn: what did I do

We smiled then ran to her a squeezed her.

Yn: ....can't.........breathe

Prodigy: sorry we're just happy to see you

Yn: I know but I be-

She was cut off by a gun shot. We all ducked.

Travon: yall forgot about me

Roc shot him 3 times in the head.

We thought that he missed all of us but he shot somebody. He shot....

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