Craig's Date Night: Chresanto's Brother

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Lyrics Of The Day:

Don't  touch me cause I am close to the edge I am trying not to lose my head

~ Happy Feet

Craig POV

*Same Night 7:50pm* 

Hey guys I got a question, remember that smoking hot girl Natajae I met,  well we've been talking since I met her and I finally I got the guts to ask her out. So thats what I doing right now getting ready for our date. Right now I was buttoning up my tux. After I finished I brushed my teeth got my phone then left. I stopped by the store to get her some rose's because that's her favorite flowers. I drove yo her house I pulled in the driveway and got out and rung the doorbell. I was so nervous but Jae didn't make it better because when she opened the door she looked absolutely gorgeous. She had on and white cropped top with and jean vest a blue pencil skirt and some black heels and her hair was curled and she had diamond earrings on and her make was just right and she had on black white and blue bracelets. I was so caught up on how gorgeous she looked I didn't even hear her calling my name.

"Craig!!" She yelled snapping me back to reality.

"Oh, sorry I was just admiring how gorgeous you looked."

She smiled "Thank you, but I'm not the only one looking good you look pretty sexy in that tux."

"Thanks, um I uh got these for you." I said handing her the flowers. She sniffed them then smiled.

"Why don't you come in while I put these in a vase."

I walked in and her house looked bigger on the inside i then on the outside.

"Just sit over there and I'll be right back." She said pointing to the couch.

I sat down on the couch and waited for her. About five minutes later a woman came running downstairs with Jae running down the stairs behind her. I got up and walked over to her and smiled. She had her hand over her mouth.

"Is this him?!" she said excitedly still looking at me.

"Yes Jaira this is him." Jae said while walking beside me.

She did and squeal, "He's more sexy in person, can I have him."

"No JJ." I was so confused and I guess Jae noticed becaue she introduced me to the girl.

"Craig this is my sister older Jaira." She said

"Hi." I said waving.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Natajae has been talking about you non stop and I was ready to meet you because she basically obsessed and she wrote in her diary the she hopes to ma-"

" Ok, Craig I think we should get going." She said cutting Jaira off.

"Nice to meet you." I said to Jaira as I walked out the door.

"Bye, and no babies." She said as Natajae closed the door.

"Can't make any promises." I mumbled under my breath.

We walked to the car and I opened the door for her then jogged over to my side. About 5 minutes into the drive she asked me could she turn on the radio and I nodded yes. When she turned on the radio 'Bad By Wale ft. Tiara Thomas' was on I rapped Wale's part while she sung Tiara's part. She had a great voice. Later we arrived at El Pavlova. Jacob told me about it and said it was a great place. We walked in got our seats and we ordered and we talked and had good time.

When I got jome it was 10:20. I took a shower and went to bed.

Chres POV

I know you surprised to see me after the other chapter but I threatened Adrianna to give me one. I told her if she didn't give me a POV I would tell Ray she liked him.


Chres: awww poor Adrianna's scared because everyone knows she likes Ray

Adri: you know I could just end this chapter now never give you a POV ever in the story

Chres: you can do that or Ray can know your secret

Adri: -__-

Chres: XD

Anyways hey yall right now I'm bored out of my mind K'hrstyel went to Florida for the weekend. She should be back by tomorrow. But I decided to go to the children's nursery home to visit me brother. Yea I got a little brother. He's in a nursery home because somehow he got really sick and me and my mom couldn't take care of him so we put him in a nursery home.

"Hello sir how may I help you." The woman at the front desk asked me.

"I was wondering if I could get a overnight pass for Justin August." I said.

"Of course, just give me your name, age, and your relationship with Justin."

"Chresanto August, 17, and brother." She typed it in the computer.

"Do you want to make a pass where you can come any night or just for tonight." She asked me.

"Um…any night." I said.

"Ok." She typed it in the computer.

"Here is your ID, when ever you come here to stay just show it to who ever is at the desk and they'll let you stay, but if your coming to visit you don't have to show it, and he's on the 3rd floor room 3-24."she sayed.

"Ok Thank You." I said and left.

When I got there he was watching Disney Channel.

"Hey little man." I said when I walked in the room.

"CHRES!!!" He yelled running to me. I picked him up.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I came to spend the night with you."

"Cool…what's that?" He asked pointing to the bag in my hand.

"It's some McDonald's I got you your favorite thing a chicken nugget meal."

"OOOH OOOH, Thank You Chres." He grabbed the bag and ran to the table. He was having trouble climbing the chair cause it was taller than him. I chuckled then picked him up and sat him in the chair.

"Chres, can you go down the hall and get me a Mello Yello?"

"Sure." I got up and went to the end of the hall and put $1 in the machine and pushed Mello Yello. I got it and walked back to the room. When I got back he was finished. He told me Thank you again and then went to bed. I just watched TV. When I was in the middle of watching tv Justin woked up with a scared look on his face.

"Chres," He said.


"Can you sleep with me I'm scared."

"Ok." I got up and got in the bed with him and he snuggled up on my chest and fell asleep and so did I.

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