Chapter 6

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"You're my cousin ok?" I tell magic quietly as we're walking into RAW, well I am. She insisted to be carried, so she's on my back. "Kk, uncle deany." She giggles, swinging her feet. I chuckle and walk into the locker room. Seth screeches, covering himself with a towel. Magic slaps a hand over her eyes. I laugh and roman rolls his eyes.

"Ok, Seth, get dressed. I need you to watch magic while I go have my match." I say, stepping out of my pants. I glance over at magic and she's blushing, looking away. I chuckle and finish getting dressed. Seth comes out of the bathroom fully clothed and they leave. I bite my lip, watching her walk out.

"This is only gonna hurt you guys in the long run, Dean." Roman says, not looking up from tying his boot. "dude, you don't know anything." I snap, glaring at him. "Dean," Roman sighs, standing up. "What? Everything's gonna work out, Roman." I say defensively. "Dean, you know that eventually her parents are gonna come looking for her." Roman states. "Her parents don't give a shit." I say, sighing. "Well, someone will, she's only 16, Dean. You shouldn't be doing this." Roman, says, putting on his shield dog tag. "I know, but I really like her." I say, grabbing my ring gear and walking into the bathroom





"Ya know something Seth, you're not that bad." I say, looking up at Seth as we walk around backstage. "Yeah I know." Seth says, smirking. I giggle. "Can we go watch Dean wrestle?" I ask, looking up at him. "Yeah, come on. He should be coming out soon." Seth says and leads me down a hall. We emerge next to the stage and my eyes light up. "Whoa, this is amazing." I say, awestruck. "I know." Seth says, looking around. Just then, the shield's music hits and Dean comes out. I smile and he does his whole tough guy act. He gets in the ring and waits for his opponent, smirking evilly. We watch the match and head back, backstage after its over.


"That was a good match, Dean." I say as we walk into the locker room. Seth and Roman had to leave for theirs. "Thanks baby." Dean says, smirking. "Dean, are you insane? You can't call me baby here, we might get caught." I say in a hushed voice. "Relax, magic. Everything's ok. Do you SEE anyone around?" Dean reassures me, rubbing my arm. I look aournd the deserted hallway and shake my head no. "Ok, you're right." I sigh, leaning my head on his shoulder. "That's my girl." Dean jokes, wrapping his arm around me. We open the locker room door and I sit on the couch, Dean going over to his bag. "I'm gonna take a shower, come get me if you need anything." Dean says. I nod, smiling, and grab my phone. Dean walks into the bathroom and I unlock my screen,  scrolling through the apps. My phone starts to buzz and I panic when I realize who it is. "H-hi mom." I say into the phone, gulping. "Where are you sweety?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows, why is she being so nice. "I'm somewhere that you and Dad aren't." I say and hang up the phone. I lay it on the couch next to me, putting my head back and taking a few deep breaths. I stay like this for a few minutes until I hear Dean walk back in the room. I open my eyes and stare almost blankly at him. "Whats wrong babe?" Dean asks, sitting next to me. "My mom called." I say, my voice cracking. "What'd she say?" He questions, rubbing my knee with his thumb. "She was way to happy." I sigh, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Well lets get back to the hotel then. I'll catch up with Seth and Roman later." Dean says, standing up. I nod and stand up too, jumping onto Dean's back. He chuckles and we head to the hotel.


"Mmm, I love you." I say sleppily. Dean smiles a half-smile. I jump up when I realize what I just said. "Relax, Magic. I love you too." Dean says, pulling me back into his arms on the couch. "This probably sounds really girly, but really?" I ask, sitting in his lap, facing him. He nods and I smile, kissing the corner of his lips. "Are you sure you've never had a boyfriend before?" Dean asks, rubbing my arms with his hands. I nod, closing my eyes, and resting my head on his chest. Dean wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. "It sure doesn't seem like it. Not that I'm complaining." Dean says. I yawn, looking up at him. "What would I ever do without you? You saved me Dean, that night, when you tweeted back to me. I-I just felt so alone before it. I was gonna do it you know, end it all, but I kinda don't want to anymore." I say, tears coming to my eyes. "Magic, lets have this conversation some other time please, you're tired and I think you ramble on about nothing when you're tired." Dean says, standing us up. Truth was, he was right. I ramble on and on about nothing when I'm tired, and damn, am I tired right now. "But Dean, I'm not tired, you're just a little blurry." I giggle. "Just kidding. But seriously, I'm not tired." I say as he drags me into the bedroom of the hotel room. "Then lets have some fun." He says, smirking. I blush and Dean throws me onto the bed. I flail my arms and screech, laughing. Dean smiles, laughing too. He jumps on the bed with me, making me giggle more. "S-stop D-Dean." I laugh as Dean starts tickling me. "No! Never." Dean chuckles, pinning me to the bed with my arms above my head. I peck his lips as he looks into my eyes. We both calm down, trying to catch our breath. I snuggle into Dean and slowly fall asleep.


hey ,hey, hey. Ok, so my initial plan, was to update all of my books tonight. But, change of plans. Sorry :(   I promise I'll update either tomorrow or Thursday. Most likely tomorrow though.

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