Chapter 19

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"So you told Steve and Helen?" Dean says as we're sitting on his couch in Cincinnati. I nod, shifting so that I can look up at him. "I had to so I could stay with you." I reply, my lips twitching up a little. "What'd they say?" Dean questions, playing with my newly-died purple hair. "That they could tell I truly loved you and you felt the same. When I called them yesterday, they invited you over when I go home this weekend." I say. Dean nods. "That went better than I figured it would." He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. "Now that I'm better though... I'm sure you've been rather lonely, huh?" Dean suggests, rubbing my thigh. I laugh, then bite my lip to suppress it. "I have. I've had no one to watch the walking dead with me." I tease, climbing into his lap. "I can't help with that right now, but I was thinking about something else." Dean says, his lips inches from my face. "And what would that be?" I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Something to do with my bed. And no clothes." Dean winks. I smile at him and connect our lips. We wrestle for dominance, and dean's tongue slides in my mouth. He pushes me down on the couch and I moan when his hand starts kneading my inner thigh. We continue like this for a few minutes before my phone rings. "Ignore it." I mumble, running my hands up dean's shirt. He nods, sliding off his shirt. "How is it you look 10x sexier then last time we had sex?" I ask, rubbing his upper arms. Dean smirks, laying on top of me and supporting his wait with his elbows. "Anything's possible." He chuckles, kissing my neck. I moan, closing my eyes. My phone starts ringing again and I sigh, opening my eyes. Dean sits up and I roll off of the couch and grab my bag. I dig through it and find my phone after it stops ringing. I look at who called and it was Rachel. I call her back and sit back on the couch next to dean, giving him a sympathetic smile. He shrugs, running a hand though his hair. "Magic, did you even think to bother to tell me that dean had a VERY sexy friend?!" Rachel says as she answers. I laugh. "Seth, or roman?" I ask casually. "Seth. He has a very nice ass." Rachel says. I shake my head and look over at dean, who by the look on his face, can hear Rachel. "Well ask Helen and Steve if Seth and roman can come too. Then you can see him." I say and Rachel shrieks. "Really? Oh my god, thank you magic! You'd do that for me?" She asks, happiness overflowing in her voice. "Yes. But I got to go. Dean and I are kinda busy." I say, my cheeks already blushing from the mention of what we were doing. "Ooh. Get some girl!" She says before hanging up. I shake my head, laughing, as I put my phone on the side table next to the couch. "Do I have a sexy ass?" Dean asks, trying to look at his butt. "Yes. Now where were we?" I smirk, wrapping myself around dean.



"You ready to meet my new parents?" I ask Seth, roman, and dean. "So your cousin thinks I have a nice ass?" Seth questions, ignoring my question. "You told him?" I raise my eyebrow at dean. He nods shyly, making roman laugh. "Awe, big, bad dean is afraid to get yelled at by his whittle girlfriend." Roman teases. I roll my eyes. "Of course he is." I squint my eyes at roman and he laughs. Dean grabs our bags and Seth and roman grab theirs. "Can I drive?" I ask as they put the bags in the trunk. Seth looks at roman and then roman looks at dean, all of them with a skeptical/scared look on their face. "Oh come on, I'm a good driver!" I say, throwing my hands in the air in mock defense. "Ok. You can drive." Dean says, handing me the keys. I squeal in happiness and hop into the driver's seat. I put on my seat belt and the guys get in the car, roman up front with me, Seth behind roman and dean behind me. I pull out of the driveway and start down the road. "So, it's Helen and Steve right?" Seth asks. I nod. "Yeah. And my cousin's name is Rachel." I explain. "Where are we gonna sleep?" Roman asks. "Um... Good question." I say as I turn down the next road. "Would I even be able to sleep in your room?" Dean asks, pouting. I laugh a little. "I don't know. They're usually really good about things like that." I say. "How many guys have you had over?" Dean asks sarcastically, his tone darkening. "Not like that." I say and Seth and roman get tense. "I mean with letting me do things. Like staying out late at your house before they knew what I was doing, and letting me go to the hospital to see you." I say, gnawing the inside of my lip. Roman puts his hand on my thigh and I look at him. He motions for me to calm down and I slightly nod. A few minutes later, we get to my house and we get out. I look at dean and he still seems kind of doubtful of me. I sigh and grab my bag from the trunk, handing him his keys. I walk to the door, Seth behind me, the roman, then dean. I open the door and Rachel pounces on me, knocking me to the ground. "I've missed you, magic!" She yells in my ear, hugging my neck. "I. Missed you. Too." I say, gasping for air. "Oh, sorry." She says, getting up. She helps me up and I introduce her to dean and roman. "And this is Seth. Seth, this is my cousin Rachel." I say and they both blush before shaking hands. I roll my eyes playfully and we all walk into the house. I give them a small tour, Rachel and Seth talking quietly the whole time. "I don't know where you guys will sleep, there's only 2 guest rooms, and Rachel practically lives in one." I say, giving her a pointed look. She shrugs, smirking. The front door opens and Helen and Steve walk in. "Magic! You're home!" Helen gleefully shouts, running to me and embracing me. I hug her back and Steve wraps his arms around both of us. We separate and I introduce Seth, and roman. "And this is dean, my boyfriend." I say. Dean smiles at them, extending his hand. Steve looks him over, before saying, "a little tall." And walking away. My eyes bulge, along with Rachel's and Helen's. "Oh my, um. I'm so sorry dean. You seem like a wonderful young man. I-I don't know why he said that. I'll be right back." Helen rushes off after Steve. "Sorry." I mumble. I speed walk to my room, slamming the door. "Why doesn't he like dean? He's the perfect boyfriend. Well, he does get jealous easily and has made some mistakes." I think.


I stop dean from going after magic. "Let her have time to herself." I tell him. He sighs, nodding. "Ok, I guess." He says. "Um, you guys can watch tv in the living room if you want." Rachel says. We nod and go into the living room. "Where's the bathroom?" I ask Rachel. "Go down that hall and then turn left, on the right is magic's room and the left is the bathroom." She explains. I nod, say thank you and walk down the hall. I go to the bathroom and then when I come out, I hear quiet sobbing from magic's room. I look down the hall and back to the door. Dean's her boyfriend, he should be comforting her. But she's also my friend. I knock in the door and the sobbing stops. "Go away!" Magic shouts. "Can I please come in?" I ask quietly against the door. "Is it just you, roman?" She asks, and I hear her sniffle. "Yes, baby girl, it's just me." I reply. A few seconds later, the door opens and magic's face is smeared with black make-up and her hair is a rat's nest. I can't help but chuckle, giving her a half smile. She stares at me for a few seconds before turning around and walking back over to her bed. She sits on it and I close the door behind me before following her to the bed. "It's ok of he doesn't like dean. He hasn't gotten to know dean." I say, scooping her in my arms and sitting down in the bed so I'm cross-legged and she's in my lap. She rests her head on my shoulder. "What if he never likes dean?" She whispers, staring at the floor. "He will eventually." I say and grab a tissue. I cup her face in one of my hands and wipe off the sneered makeup while magic watches me intently. "You have really nice hair. It's very majestic." Magic says, looking at me with amazement. "Thanks... I think." I crack a smile and she offers me a small one. She rests her head on my shoulder again and I wrap my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me and we sit like this for a few minutes. "Dean's gonna think that we're up to something in here." I say. "Let him." Magic whispers. What the hell did that mean?

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