Chapter 26

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I awake to dean slipping me out of my tank top and shorts. I mumble, slapping his hands away. I open my eyes to see his smile face, as he laughs at me. "I w-was sleeping." I yawn, stretching. Dean smirks, nodding. "I know. Do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow? It's fine with me, I'll get to make your birthday even better if I get 2 days." He smiles. I smile tiredly, trying to tug off his shirt. He slips out of it and hands me it. "Sure. I'm really tired. I don't wanna do anything." I say, pulling on his shorts. He nods, standing up. "I'll be right back." He tells me, shutting the door behind him. I hear mumbling from down the hall and then footsteps. I crawl under the blankets and my dad peaks his head in. "We can have your little party tomorrow, too. Goodnight baby girl. Happy birthday." He smiles. I smile back at him. "Good night." He nods and dean passes him on his way out. My dad glares at dean, although it not being much of a glare, more just staring at dean. Dean smiles sheepishly, closing the door behind him. He smiles at me, sliding out of his pants, leaving him in boxers, and crawls into bed with me. "Goodnight birthday girl." He whispers, wrapping his arms around me. He kisses my forehead as I close my eyes, a tired smile plastered on my face. "Goodnight baby,"


I awake to dean tracing little patterns on my stomach. "What are you doing?" I mumble quietly. He looks up at me, a smile instantly washing over his features. "Good morning princess." He says, kissing me. He starts to pull back and I close my eyes, moving my head to follow his. He chuckles as our lips meet again. We kiss each other for a good minute or so. But this kiss... Was... Different. It wasn't urgent, or quick, or like anytime before when we had to hide things between us. Whether it be from the guys, my adoptive parents, or even the world. It made me happy and feel like things were gonna be ok. "What time is it?" I ask quietly, our foreheads still touching. Dean cups my cheek in his hand, closing his eyes with a content smile. "Around 1." He whispers, our lips barely touching. I nod, closing my eyes as well. Deans voice makes my eyes shoot open a few minutes later. "Did you enjoy your birthday yesterday? Cause there's more." He says softly. I smile at him. "Of course I did. You took me to warped tour." I reply, sliding from underneath him. He groans, rolling over onto his back. "Why can't we just lay in bed for awhile?" Dean complains. I giggle, sliding out of my pajamas and into a band shirt and skinny jeans. Dean watches me the whole time, a smirk on his face. "Stop that, it's creepy." I joke, grabbing his hand. I tug on it. "C'mon. Let's go out and get some lunch before my 'party'." I say, giving him puppy dog eyes. He chuckles, getting up and slipping on some clothes. We walk out and into the hallway. I hear Seth cough, making me turn around. "No thank you?" He smirks. I roll my eyes, before running over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you! Wait- why am I thanking you?" I ask. He laughs, sticking his chest out. "Cause I got you an amazing birthday gift!" He says proudly. I laugh, walking back over to dean and grabbing his hand once again. "Ok. Sure." I joke. "Can you tell my parents that we went out for lunch?" I ask Seth. He nods, looking down at his phone. He shrugs, sighing, and puts it back in his pocket. I shrug that off and dean and I leave to get lunch.


"No way! Seth, this is so cool!" I say, holding up the replica divas championship belt. Seth smirks in triumph. I shake my head and Helen sighs in frustration. "What's wrong, mom?" I ask, handing the belt to dean to set down. "Your cousin hasn't picked up the phone in a few days." She says, irritated. "She's 19, almost 20, Helen. She doesn't have to answer her aunty's calls." Steve tells her. She shrugs. "But it's her cousin's birthday." She mumbles. "I haven't heard from her either." I say, looking at my phone quickly. Seth looks down. "I haven't heard from her since we broke up." He mutters. "When was that?" I ask. "Like, 2 days ago?" He recalls. I nod, and we go back to the presents.



The tears well up in my eyes. I know what I got to do. I dial Seth's number, gnawing the inside of my lip. "Hello?" He asks. "Hey Seth. W-we need to talk." I tell him, my voice unsteady. "What's wrong?" He asks curiously. "I-I think we should break up." I stutter, before swallowing. "Why? What did I do?!" Seth asks frantically. "You're always gonna be touring Seth, I'm sorry. But I just... I just can't do this, ok?" I say quietly. "But I love you, we could make this work!" He says, trying to reason. "No Seth, I'm s-sorry. But we can't. I love you too." I say before ending the call. I throw my phone down in frustration. "What's wrong with me?! He was perfect!" I yell, screaming a little as the tears flow uncontrollably. Without thinking, I leave, grabbing my keys. I go out to my car and start driving. I need to get away. I need to get away from it all. I drive down the street and turn a few times onto others. After an hour or so of driving, I come to a bridge. I park in a parking lot close by and get out of my car. I walk over to the bridge and hop up on it. I stand up and take a look around. My last goodbyes to the world. I place my hand on my stomach. "I'm sorry you didn't get to live." I whisper to the baby inside. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and fall foreword.


I look at dean from under my eyelashes. He's struggling to tie his tie. "Need help?" I giggle. He nods, his eyebrows creased. I smile and tie it for him. "There you go baby, now why don't we go and pick up Seth and roman from the hotel?" I suggest. Dean wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. He sways us side to side a little. "Or we could stay here. Have our own fun maybe?" He whispers on my ear, his nose rubbing against me. I laugh at him quietly. "Babe, I wanna go out to the club with you. I've never been to one! Come on, you said it'd be fun! Please?" I argue. "Fine. Are you sure that you want to go? You're only 16-" "17." He nods. "You're only 17, I don't know if it'd be a good idea." He stops once he sees the determination in my eyes. He grabs my hand and we make our way to the door and leave, while I smile in triumph.

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